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Where can I watch the match and my kids at the same time?


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I have a young child, and I love to watch the football. Me and my partner watch the matches at home, sometimes inviting friends round to watch with us, and we include my son, and the friends' kids. We like to involve them in what we're doing, and they now love it like we do.

I have no problem watching the match AND my son at the same time in the comfort of my own home.

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Funny, thats what most people say about people who take kids into pubs.




FFS if you don't want kids around you in teh Pub, don't blloody HAVE kids in the pidgin' first place! :rant:

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FFS if you don't want kids around you in teh Pub, don't blloody HAVE kids in the pidgin' first place! :rant:


I don't have kids... now please no more kids in any pub I ever go for a drink in please.

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FFS if you don't want kids around you in teh Pub, don't blloody HAVE kids in the pidgin' first place! :rant:

I dont quite see what you're ranting at. I dont have kids, and I dont want kids around me in the pub, as pubs are for adults, not kids.


Why dont you rant some more - its obviously working for you:roll:

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Well i watched it in the house and my 18 month old moaned all the way through wanting to play. With them being 0-0 for 80 minutes combined with her whinging, it was welcome to snappy daddy time :D


My son's only 15mths old, and he loved it...he put his hands up when they scored, and went 'ooh' when they nearly did. We had a good playing session at half time, and then went back to watching the match.

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My son's only 15mths old, and he loved it...he put his hands up when they scored, and went 'ooh' when they nearly did. We had a good playing session at half time, and then went back to watching the match.

Well you enjoy it :D I'll look forawrd to the Tuesday game when she'll be in bed :clap: Football and lager in peace :banana:


I didn't mind her wanting to play, she wanted to play outside which was the problem.

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