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Sainsbury's To Stop Selling Fireworks

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15 hours ago, abbeyedges said:

Sainsbury's seem to be taking some praise for adopting this policy.


To be truthful I wouldn't be surprised if they've looked at the profit return on their investment into fireworks and thought it's not worth it.


That area of the shop can be used for something else that will give them a better return. 


It will be 100% a financial decision and they're just spinning it in order to garner publicity to attract custom. 

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6 hours ago, Resident said:

It will be 100% a financial decision and they're just spinning it in order to garner publicity to attract custom. 

Either way it's still a good decision by Sainsbury's others should follow suit and they should be limited to organised displays.

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I'm not up for banning the sale of fireworks, but if they could only be sold from specialist firework retailers (like Epic at Tankersley) a lot less would end up in the hands of the types that cause problems as they'd have to make a special trip, rather than just picking up a pack of rockets along with a crate of Stella.

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29 minutes ago, Tomm06 said:

I don't really think it matters if all supermarkets stopped. There are plenty of stores that pop up around now selling them

These are the ones that should be stopped. Who knows what dodgy stuff they might be selling, and they probably arent storing it safely putting neighbours & public at risk. There might be rules and regulations in place and maybe temporary licences required but many wont bother with all that faff knowing they can make their money and shut down before they are caught. They are probably also the ones selling to kids through the back door

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