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What Are You Watching On Tv At This Moment ?


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I'm watching 'Panorama- 'The Energy Crisis: Who's Cashing In?' and I'm angry, appalled, and upset in equal measure. Having just watched Simon Reeve in California where 'hundreds of thousands of ordinary people are living in sewers and tents, in the richest country in the world' I'm also extremely worried.


Having worked hard all my life from the age of 15 to think it should come to this.


People mock me (and Jeremy Corbyn) for my rants against Free Market Economics and Neoliberalism, but maybe if they'd listened and done a bit of research, they wouldn't have voted the Conservatives into power, and allowed this to happen.

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Come to what?

Allowed what to happen?


You are always so hysterical and dramatic in your posts. Are you seriously trying to portray that because of all these years of neoliberalism and tory rule...blah blah blah...., the entire population other than the billionaire toffs, are all just days away from absolute destitution, living in cardboard boxes, starving to death or freezing to death, unable to afford some bread and water....


Clearly that is nonsense. Guess what, despite this absolute crisis, people are still stuffing their trolleys in the supermarkets, they are still driving their cars, they are still going to their jobs, they are still eating in restaurants and drinking in bars, they are still buying their goods from our abundance of cheap consumer stores, they still have their homes and apartments to live in all filled with modern technology and utilities at the flick of a switch, they are still going on holidays and pursuing leisure activities.....


Now yes we know there are going to be problems. Yes we know that the government has to take action to stop these spiraling costs going out of control but can we stop with the dramatics. It loses all sense of reality and completely detracts from any sort of serious debate.  


The documentary has clearly done exactly what it's supposed to do, get people frothed up and ranting to get the numbers up and some nice ratings for the producers. Stop falling for it. Stop being so naive that everything is so black and white or in your case blue versus red.


You seriously think faced with the coronavirus, massive impacts on the economy, massive changes to the way people live and now a war you're wonderful Saint Jeremy what have us all living in some wonderful utopia.... Grow up.


The reality is that, whilst of course people will feel some impact for these price rises, they will just carry on living their lives. They will adjust and adapt and change as they have done many times before in the past.  This is not the first time the country his faced steep inflation.  This is not the first time our day-to-day goods and services face spiraling prices. This is not the first time there's been some sort of global conflict or crisis which are all far far more complex and nuanced than simply placing blame on one political party.


You played the same old record again.  Took the conclusions of documentary and twisted it  into your default wah wah "hate the Tories", "Corbyn was wonderful" rant.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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