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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

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Farage spouting his usual rubbish.

50,000 aim limit on immigration when both main parties have ambitions to build new houses,staff the NHS and care services.

No doubt it will appeal to a section of the electorate but hopefully the vast majority can see him for what he is.

I would call him a noisy back bencher but he has never been elected to the U.K. Parliament,and was an embarrassment as a MEP..

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3 hours ago, apelike said:

Do you think that figure has any connection to the fact that MP's get £79,468 or maybe it's just a coincidence that they will not have to be taxed extra as well?

No I don't tink it has anything to do with that actually, tho' I can see why you might.


I don't think the extra they pay at that level (on anything over£80,000) will be much, but does mark the difference between good pay and unusually good pay. Labour is claiming it is asking the top 5% to pay more, so I assume,  on £80,000, they are the lower end of the top 5%,


Most MPs probably earn more than £80,000 with second jobs, public speaking engagements, extra committees / and special government research,  radio and tv appearances etc, on top of the 79,468  they earn as MPs so they will be in the £80,000+ catagory, and pay extra tax.      

Edited by Anna B
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3 hours ago, Mister M said:

Just a heads up, there is a Question Time 'Leader's Debate' special on BBC1 at 7pm tonight. It's from Sheffield!

Hope it's better than the ITV one earlier in the week. That was atrocious.

I can hear the anti-Boris protestors now (my office is very near) chanting songs about him.

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4 hours ago, Mister M said:

Just a heads up, there is a Question Time 'Leader's Debate' special on BBC1 at 7pm tonight. It's from Sheffield!

Hope it's better than the ITV one earlier in the week. That was atrocious.

Yes, I'll be watching. I hope it's better than the Corbyn / Johnson debate which I thought was a bit rubbish. I understand this is more like a 'Question Time' format which might be an improvement.

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4 hours ago, Mister M said:

Just a heads up, there is a Question Time 'Leader's Debate' special on BBC1 at 7pm tonight. It's from Sheffield!

Hope it's better than the ITV one earlier in the week. That was atrocious.

It won't.


It will still be a panto crowd, booing and hissing at the right side and mindlessly clapping along to the left side. 


This unwanted and pointless Americanised trend of public televised tit for tat argument can sod right off.


It's supposed to engage and inform the public but all it does is dumb them down. 


Well researched and robust interviewing is whats needed not some stupid glorified radio phone in session filled with Mr Angry of Gleadless or Ms Hysterical from Totley. 

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7 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

Do you mean doctors are enjoying our hard work?

I don't consider Doctors as the Elite.


They work hard for us, and I bet there's a fair few on less than £80,000. Few people can do their job, and of all the Professions they are arguably the one we couldn't do without. They deserve to be well paid.

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7 hours ago, Padders said:

About 120yrs ago, workers were toiling in horrendous conditions, no benefits whatsoever.

Then along came a bunch of lunatics called Socialists promising to make things better..They were ridiculed, spat on, stoned, even the working classes thought they were nutters.. Not much has changed, as it Anna.

'Twas ever thus Padders. The working class has more to thank the Unions and the Socialists for than they will ever know.  Why they still vote Tory is beyond me. . .

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

'Twas ever thus Padders. The working class has more to thank the Unions and the Socialists for than they will ever know.  Why they still vote Tory is beyond me. . .

It’s a tragic forty year con-trick. The Tories destroyed industries in the 1980s, public services with austerity 30 years later and will inflict more pain if they get Brexit. But because of media manipulation, millions of people apportion blame elsewhere and vote against their best interests. 

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