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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

Thank you.

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14 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

It won't.


It will still be a panto crowd, booing and hissing at the right side and mindlessly clapping along to the left side. 


This unwanted and pointless Americanised trend of public televised tit for tat argument can sod right off.


It's supposed to engage and inform the public but all it does is dumb them down. 


Well researched and robust interviewing is whats needed not some stupid glorified radio phone in session filled with Mr Angry of Gleadless or Ms Hysterical from Totley. 

Yes I agree this is necessary as well, but Corbyn has been at the mercy of the press and media for long enough, and this will be the first time for some that they will have listened to him and his plans. He wouldn't be on telly now, if it  were not for rules put in place to allow all politicians equal air time once an election has been declared. Pity that such rules are necessary, but they obviously are.

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4 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

It’s a tragic forty year con-trick. The Tories destroyed industries in the 1980s, public services with austerity 30 years later and will inflict more pain if they get Brexit. But because of media manipulation, millions of people apportion blame elsewhere and vote against their best interests. 

Money talks, Mr Gee.

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17 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

It’s a tragic forty year con-trick. The Tories destroyed industries in the 1980s, public services with austerity 30 years later and will inflict more pain if they get Brexit. But because of media manipulation, millions of people apportion blame elsewhere and vote against their best interests. 

Indeed. And it was the Conservatives that deregulated the banks in the 80s,  leaving it a free-for-all of greed,  which is when the Financial crisis really began and money became  God. They also sold off the family silver leaving us dependent on 'financial services' and at the mercy of privatisation and Corporate Avarice. If the Tories get in again I fear this time we will never recover, but never mind, they can always blame Labour as a scapegoat. . . 

Edited by Anna B
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19 minutes ago, Padders said:

Money talks, Mr Gee.

Nye Bevan summed it up nicely.  “How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.”

Edited by Mister Gee
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16 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Yes I agree this is necessary as well, but Corbyn has been at the mercy of the press and media for long enough, and this will be the first time for some that they will have listened to him and his plans. He wouldn't be on telly now, if it  were not for rules put in place to allow all politicians equal air time once an election has been declared. Pity that such rules are necessary, but they obviously are.

No Corbyn has not.  Why do you keep bringing this media bias up.


He has had access to the same press as every other leader.   For every negative story/tweet/post/blog about Corbyn there are just as many declaring the sun shines out of his backside.  


You see what you want to see.  Try looking at the Daily Mirror or The Independent or The Guardian a bit more.  They sing his praises all the time.


Ultimately, Corbyn polarises the electorate.  The media reflects that.  It's just that simple.


Enough with the media bias whining.


If Corbyn is reported to have performed crap in a debate, maybe... Just maybe it's because he was.   


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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

I don't consider Doctors as the Elite.


They work hard for us, and I bet there's a fair few on less than £80,000. Few people can do their job, and of all the Professions they are arguably the one we couldn't do without. They deserve to be well paid.

Most gp’s surgeons and consultants earn more than £80,000. Why would any doctor ever want to become one of the above if they would be penalised by more tax. I personally don’t think £80,000 a year is all that high.

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