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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Support for the NHS isn’t universal, it is a matter of political opinion, so how on earth can you take it out of politics? 🙄

Bet its virtually universal support though, its down to affordability for private care. The party that tries to privatise the nhs would be committing political suicide.

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Support for the NHS isn’t universal, it is a matter of political opinion, so how on earth can you take it out of politics? 🙄

(in short)


A committee made up of say 100 (for ease of numbers)


Consists of ex NHS staff, MPs have some %, people voted in, accountant, economists, etc.


The submit every year a plan/s and budgets, and the politicians looks for votes elsewhere. If they consistently don't get the funding they require, then we vote them out.

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6 hours ago, Car Boot said:

This election should send the clear message:


£Billionaires OUT of Britain!


9 out of 10 £Billionaires support the pro-austerity EU. 


£Billionaires not welcome here!

So am I right when I assume that if you were a billionaire, you would be giving it all away as we speak? Or is it only other people that aren't allowed to be successful?


As this is the 2019 general election thread, you got any thoughts on what might happen? What you want to happen etc, not just the usual rhetoric?

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3 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

So am I right when I assume that if you were a billionaire, you would be giving it all away as we speak? Or is it only other people that aren't allowed to be successful?


As this is the 2019 general election thread, you got any thoughts on what might happen? What you want to happen etc, not just the usual rhetoric?

I think he’s trying to say that anyone who has accrued a 1 0000000000 pounds, probably has enough to get by.


Given that we live in straightened times,  maybe these people should be asked to tip up a bit more, before we ask binmen, or waiters, or street sweepers to do so.


Of course, you might think the opposite.

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I find it fascinating that you can read my mind like that.


Absolutely and proportionally the wealthy pay more

 That's how the tax system is set up and it largely works. I know you probably don't believe it but it does and if you want to spend the money here you have to pay the tax on it first lest HMRC notice and ask questions.

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3 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Congratulations to Jeremy Corbyn on getting an amazing boost in support thanks to Donald Trump's recent radio interview.  


I would honestly consider supporting Corbyn to spite that ignorant fool and his brainless remarks.

Here's the rub. There's a fair chance corbyn could do a lot of damage to this country, and particularly my tiny corner of it in 5 years. Johnson, possibly aided by farage, and god forbid trump, could do even more irreversible damage in half that time.


What a choice. I see a fair chunk of the press are seeing trumps input as a good thing. Traitors? Yeah, traitors.

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