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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Longcol said:

Thats £40b a year over a 5 year parliament - at least we'd get something for it.


The £83b on Brexit / no deal brexit is wasted money with nothing to show for it.


Plus avoiding Brexit could save another £85b.



The bank of England gave £445 Billion to quantative easing, which has mainly benefitted the already seriously rich.

Corbyn's national banks will at least see money spent to benefit us all.


(Thanks for your kind words, I have been ill. Thank God for the NHS or I wouldn't be here.)



Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

As opposed to Corbyn's lunatic decision to nationalize gas, lecky, water, railways and probably more given half a chance.

Yes, because of course it makes far more sense that all those important industries should belong to a tiny number of shareholders rather than every citizen of the UK! 🙄

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7 hours ago, Pettytom said:

But that’s not what I said. I never mentioned home ownership,  or penalising people.


If you’d like to reply to the  points that I actually made, that might facilitate a more meaningful discussion.

I think you somewhat missed my point, my fault I guess. If a billionaire is paying all their dues and demands already, then why should they be expected to pay more? they are billionaires for a reason and probably create loads of jobs that are revenue raising, and should not be penalised for that.


Just my opinion. If you don't like it just ignore it.

Edited by Dardandec
Quote was slightly wrong
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10 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

As opposed to Corbyn's lunatic decision to nationalize gas, lecky, water, railways and probably more given half a chance. Estimated at £200 billion for the 4 plus the rest.  Makes the above Tory spend look like peanuts. 



These things should never have been privatised in the first place. 


Do you think that overseas ownership of the utilities benefits UK customers and that profits generated here should be sent abroad rather than used to bring down bills and modernise the infrastructure?

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10 hours ago, thorphanger said:

Does anyone remember the reason we had to have all the austerity.  The reason the labour government caused all the problems with bad stewardship of the economy and the message left by former chief secretary Liam Byrne left for his successor said "there's no money left."  





Yes, I remember. It was because we couldn't allow banks that had been mismanaged to fail. So the taxpayer bailed out the seriously rich because they were incompetent. Banks had been gambling with other people's money and they lost. 


We should nationalise the banks and have just one Bank, a national Bank. Private banks have no place in a modern People's economy. 

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50 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

We should nationalise the banks and have just one Bank, a national Bank. Private banks have no place in a modern People's economy. 

If you think Brexit has been difficult, just try nationalising the banks.

In 1948 The Australian government attempted to nationalise the banks, but the act was declared unconstitutional by the High Court of Australia in the case Bank of New South Wales v Commonwealth.


If the Banks were nationalised, would it then be illegal for Virgin, or anyone elese open a new bank? How about online banking, they could be based in any country.


I dont think your ideas have been thought out very well.

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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

Yes, I remember. It was because we couldn't allow banks that had been mismanaged to fail. So the taxpayer bailed out the seriously rich because they were incompetent. Banks had been gambling with other people's money and they lost. 


We should nationalise the banks and have just one Bank, a national Bank. Private banks have no place in a modern People's economy. 

Why not nationalise the air that we are breathing along with everything else. Then everyone can be ruled from the centre and have all decisions rubber stamped by a load of nodding dogs.

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" I can remember when the railway etc was nationalised, you think its bad know, it was alot worse then, and so was british steel "as was" great to work for but, costing the country billions. " - Kidley.




£50 million



or -----Cost of crash: $2,800,000,000,000





"Why not nationalise the air that we are breathing along with everything else. Then everyone can be ruled from the centre and have all decisions rubber stamped by a load of nodding dogs." - Hobinfoot


Have you been reading 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'  by Robert Tressell - Have we come full circle since 1914?


“Poverty is not caused by men and women getting married; it's not caused by machinery; it's not caused by "over-production"; it's not caused by drink or laziness; and it's not caused by "over-population". It's caused by Private Monopoly. That is the present system. They have monopolized everything that it is possible to monopolize; they have got the whole earth, the minerals in the earth and the streams that water the earth. The only reason they have not monopolized the daylight and the air is that it is not possible to do it.................."



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5 hours ago, El Cid said:

If you think Brexit has been difficult, just try nationalising the banks.

In 1948 The Australian government attempted to nationalise the banks, but the act was declared unconstitutional by the High Court of Australia in the case Bank of New South Wales v Commonwealth.


If the Banks were nationalised, would it then be illegal for Virgin, or anyone elese open a new bank? How about online banking, they could be based in any country.


I dont think your ideas have been thought out very well.

As far as I know Corbyn has no plans to nationalise banks. His National banks will run alongside the regular  highstreet banks.

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