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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

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3 hours ago, janie48 said:

Holding a General Election just before Christmas is absolute madness there will be a poor turnout, and many people won't welcome political leaflets posted at the same time as their Christmas cards. 




For starters, I'd guess some students would have finished for Christmas - where are they voting? Remember about 10 years back and the weather we had? Chuck Christmas in as well.....


I'm going for Labour. I don't really want to but in my constituency it's a marginally better option than the local fascist made good. I just hope its a normal and not some momentum plant.

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6 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

So you agree then, that 1950s and ‘60s Labour was anything but far left?

 Maybe not, but a lot of talent LEFT the country during that era, ever heard of the 'brain drain'? I left much later due to the beginnings of Thatcherism, but lots of top academics left during Harold Wilson's era. It was even called an epidemic at the time..  lol

Edited by Ontarian1981
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7 hours ago, Ethella said:

I'd be amazed if Sheffield ends up with anything other than, 4 Labour MP's and one Lib Dem.

There are 6 constituencies in Sheffield.  I'll go for 5 Labour & Hallam changing back to the Lib Dems following the debacle that is Jared O'Mara. 


Nationwide, a hung Parliament with the Tories being the largest party with the king-makers being a coalition of the Lib Dems & Greens.


Everything will be at stalemate again.  Expect another election in by spring 2021.


7 hours ago, Dardandec said:

Lib Dems all the way for me. As someone said on the consequence tread, they are hard to stomach and I somewhat agree with that, but I like their stance on the Brexit  farce.


Don't like Labour's tax strategies. Wouldn't vote for Farige's clown show if they paid me a million quid, Green's? I don't think they could do enough damage.


I don't want a Tory majority so that's the only way I can go.


 Be careful what you wish for re: considering voting for the Lib Dems? 


Research what exactly Jo Swinson's been voting for & against in Parliament?  She's no friend of the working class; long term sick or long term unemployed.  Voted down increasing various benefits to such groups & also voted down taking action on banker’s bonuses. 

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10 hours ago, Padders said:

I'm voting for the Monster Raving Looney Party, Oh hang on, their already in power.

GREAT i am not the only one who thinks that..

It's like watching Chipperfields Circus once again, what a bunch of clowns we have in this country...LOL

I used to watch comedy programs on TV for a laugh, now i just watch our politicians for a laugh..


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I didn’t think there would be a general election just yet, I thought the next election would be the fixed term Parliament Act, then I had my doubts.


In between the Christmas ads on TV at the beginning of December

there is also going to be - 

We Now Have A Party Political Broadcast On Behalf Of 

The   ?   Party.

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8 hours ago, janie48 said:

Holding a General Election just before Christmas is absolute madness there will be a poor turnout, and many people won't welcome political leaflets posted at the same time as their Christmas cards. 


It's not ideal but needs to be done to get rid of the rogue dishonest Parliament.  A Tory working majority will be the best Christmas present for our country.

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10 hours ago, Dardandec said:

Lib Dems all the way for me. As someone said on the consequence tread, they are hard to stomach and I somewhat agree with that, but I like their stance on the Brexit  farce.


Don't like Labour's tax strategies. Wouldn't vote for Farige's clown show if they paid me a million quid, Green's? I don't think they could do enough damage.


I don't want a Tory majority so that's the only way I can go.


You are aware that Jo Swinson, the pro-austerity Liberal Democrat Leader, has absolutely no regrets about her party being a part of the coalition government? A coalition government whose cuts to services and living standards many Remainers hold responsible for the Leave vote winning in the June 2016 referendum.



Lib Dem/Tory austerity policies shrunk the UK economy by over £100 billion. FACT.


Lib Dem/Tory austerity policies have led to 130,000 preventable deaths. FACT.


As Employment Minister Jo Swinson reversed workers rights (extending the qualifying period for unfair dismissal to 2 years and introduced charges of up to £1,200 for attending an employment tribunal, to prevent the poor having access to justice) and wanted to freeze and cut the minimum wage in the event of an economic downturn.


The Liberal Democrats claim that Brexit will hurt the poorest. What we have seen so far is that it is the Liberal Democrats who hurt the poorest in their greed for ministerial cars.

Edited by Car Boot
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3 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

The polls are already doing there prediction on the election, but how accurate are they going to be on this one.

Polls at the moment are entirely pointless as there will be more mind changing and party swapping than in any previous election. Also until Farage declares that he is running, there are many Leave votes going begging.



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