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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

Thank you.

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3 hours ago, L00b said:

FWIW, personally I'd find a lot more time for a meat-eating, foreign-travelling Green candidate, than the proselyte vegan, anti-personal transportation type (and the equivalent headbangers in other parties): those 'faults' (for a Green) would make him/her far more human/genuine to me.



Indeed. Well said.


Also, it is perfectly possible to catch the train to go on a skiing holiday. Eating some, properly reared, meat isn’t going to destroy the planet either. 

So, I’ve no idea what El Cid was on about. He came over as rather judgemental to me.

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3 hours ago, L00b said:

You can provide links to what information has been informing these thoughts of yours...

No I can't as unlike you I do not need the media to tell me what to believe and I make up my own mind as to what I think.



You don't do details, much, do you at times?

No, and I don't take much notice of hearsay in the media or the fake news on social media. Even more so when someone puts a link to the Daily Mail when it suits them although the Mail has been trashed on SF many times in the past and well know for lying.



Carry on obliviously. And don't forget to vote Tory, the party of honest politicians (definition: those politicians who, once bought, stay bought) :thumbsup:

Not oblivious just cautious that I don't act like others and just spread the fake news I may read. As for voting.. I wont forget to vote Tory either so didn't need the reminder, but thanks anyway... :)

Edited by apelike
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3 hours ago, L00b said:

Well, El Cid is asking whether it is hypocritical of a Green candidate to eat meat and to ski abroad. That strongly suggests ethical or party rules, which that Green candidate is transgressing, no?


So I'm asking, because unless I am mistaken, Green are not campaigning to abolish meat eating, nor to abolish foreign skiing/sunbathing/etc travel (...are they?)


Could it just be that El Cid was projecting (somewhat misguided-) expectations on the candidate instead?


FWIW, personally I'd find a lot more time for a meat-eating, foreign-travelling Green candidate, than the proselyte vegan, anti-personal transportation type (and the equivalent headbangers in other parties): those 'faults' (for a Green) would make him/her far more human/genuine to me.


Here's a novel idea about politics (in the UK at least): down with the pigeonholing :thumbsup:

I'm afraid we're all hypocritical when it comes to climate change. I, like most other people, agree with their aims and try to support measures as best I can, but I still drive a car and do other things I probably shouldn't. 

It's hard to justify dramatic change until all countries are on board, otherwise it's just a drop in the ocean bought at great inconvenience.


There needs to be more joined up thinking and international cooperation and a strategic plan. When world leaders get together at Davos or wherever, I'd like to think they discuss more than just money. 

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48 minutes ago, Padders said:

On the news today......

July 2019 Boris to reduce corporation tax from 19% to 17% claiming it actually increases revenue.


Today, Boris postpones reduction in corporation tax, saving 6 billion pounds :huh:.

Very confusing.

It is undeniably true that the cuts to corporation tax that the Tories have enacted so far have increased revenue from the tax. It is also true that there is a limit to how low the taxes can go for revenue to keep on increasing (e.g if the tax was 0%, the revenue would be 0%). It may be that it's no longer clear if a cut below 19% would increase revenue after all when we are already have the lowest corporate tax rate in the developed world, so the incentive is already there.. 

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2 hours ago, Pettytom said:

Also, it is perfectly possible to catch the train to go on a skiing holiday. Eating some, properly reared, meat isn’t going to destroy the planet either. 
So, I’ve no idea what El Cid was on about. He came over as rather judgemental to me.

You would expect a Green party candidate to have different values to a Labour/Tory candidate. I dont know him well, but he just seems like everyone else.

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2 hours ago, apelike said:

No I can't as unlike you I do not need the media to tell me what to believe and I make up my own mind as to what I think.


No, and I don't take much notice of hearsay in the media or the fake news on social media. Even more so when someone puts a link to the Daily Mail when it suits them although the Mail has been trashed on SF many times in the past and well know for lying.


Not oblivious just cautious that I don't act like others and just spread the fake news I may read. As for voting.. I wont forget to vote Tory either so didn't need the reminder, but thanks anyway... :)

It's abundantly obvious that I linked the Mail because of its owner's op-ed in it, not as a bastion of objective fact reporting. The rather-hard-to-miss clue was given by the Guardian piece which I also linked, in the same post, written by an investigative reporter whose record as regards fact-reporting is Pulitzer-worthily faultless, and which this op-ed rather unsuccessfully tried to preempt.


But well. It's equally clear from your post that the Tories can do no wrong whatsoever, and so that I've been debating with a faithful impervious to any dot connecting that may shake his faith, rather than an objective observer. Lesson well (re-)learned here.


I'll continue with my posts taking shots at Tories, BXPers, Labourites and all other British shyster politicians all the same: feel free to ignore them, as I'll be ignoring yours :thumbsup:

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