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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

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1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

I am not talking about just anti-semitism.


I'm talking about the deluge of campaigns, anti-campaigns, smears, scare stories, tittle-tattle, fairy stories from 'anonymous' sources, shadowy  fringe groups chucking their opinions in....


This is not new.  You must be naive to think it is.   It happens at every election there is always going to be people singing praises of one candidate and people throwing mud at another candidate.


The media are not trying to sway the electorate in any direction.  They are doing what the media does.  Stop this constant crap about a media bias.  I think it's very clear given that headlines right now are corbyn anti-semitism scandal immediately followed by Tory party and it's islamophobia scandal demonstrates there is no such bias that you seem to drone on about.


Papers don't count because for every right wing paper there are plenty of left wing papers too.  Add on 1001 blog sites, opinion pieces, forums, social media posts, and professional argument sources just like this very website and there's even more range of opinion across all spectrums.


If you are really seeking some difference between the good old days and now it's just the speed of information.  Surely it should be for us to use our own instincts and judgement about who we choose to vote for on the range of information we are presented with.


In my opinion anyone who is so easily influenced that they blindly follow what a certain newspaper or website tell them really doesn't deserve a vote


You must see the pattern.

Michael Foot, left leaning candidate, -  Abuse and idicule, everything from his clothes to his age to his 'performance' at the cenotaph.

Neil Kinnock, slightly left leaning candidate,-  Ridicule, but not so much. 

Tony Blair - Centre candidate, the 'acceptable face of the Labour Party, LabourLite, hand in glove with Tories. Golden boy,No abuse, Wins election. Enters an illegal war with Bush.  . . Makes £millions from his contacts, including dictators, but nothing sticks to Teflon Tony. . . 

Ed Milliband - slightly left leaning (should have been his brother leading Party,) - Ridicule (can't even eat a bacon sandwich right) the gravestones, vile abuse of his father, a war hero, and guilt by association. Rift with his brother(?) etc.

Lady Harriet Harmen takes over as caretaker leader until new leader can be found


2015: Four candidates for leadership, Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendal all Blairite centrists, and a rank outsider noone's heard of, the left leaning Jeremy Corbyn who thinks there should be a choice of someone to represent the people. He is treated as a  no-hoper, a joke candidate, until he starts to gain ground, he's popular with young people who follow him on social media, (he's the first to use it, born out of necessity to get his message across,) and some older people who have had enough of being ignored.  Then the knives come out, he might be a threat. He is subject to vile abuse and ridicule, 'It's impossible for him to win' they say, as they hunt around trying to dig up the dirt on him. To their surprise there is none. He's squeaky clean, a dedicated politician for over 30 years, had the lowest expenses of all the MPs so the expenses scandal didn't touch him. Ahh but he's been married 3 times, bound to be some juicy scandal there - but no, he fell out with his second wife over a point of principal reguarding private school, and the worst his first wife will say is, he used to eat cold baked beans out of a can. His third wife is lovely but keeps resolutely out of the limelight.

This is really serious - he can't be bought, can't be blackmailed, won't do their bidding and sticks to his principles. This is the Elite's worst nightmare! And against all their efforts and the odds, by sheer force of character, he's elected leader! 


The very personal and vicious war against Jeremy Corbyn has continued unabated ever since,  and at every opportunity. It's vile and unfair, but he's up against the most powerful cabal in the land, possibly in the EU, and even the world, who knows? And, God forbid, if he is elected Prime Minister, it will continue, as he tries to go about his business looking out for the welfare of the ordinary people.   


The Elite / Establishment do not want the ordinary people to be represented. They are meant to work for the Elite, not challenge them. The next thing you know, the workers will no longer be satisfied with the crumbs off the table, they'll be wanting more, and that could threaten all the nice, cosy arrangements the elite have for staying on top, and keeping the workers down.

Edited by Anna B
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And what was Corbyn's stance last night when interviewed by Andrew Neil regarding anti-Semitism in the Labour Party?  Oh yes, there are robust procedures in place to suspend such individuals while they are being investigated & removed where found guilty. 


But in reality; https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1209763/labour-party-latest-jeremy-corbyn-anti-Semitism-general-election-2019

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“in reality”


and a link to the express.


[insert an eyebrow raising gif of your choice here]


I did follow the link, I even managed to read some of it before my spam and malware alerts crashed the page for me.


it’s just more allegations, no evidence.

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8 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Stop moving the goalposts.  Nobody mentioned circulation.     It was a simple left v right argument.


SW is prinited through the might of Trinity Mirror resources anyway so circulation (or lack of) is their own problem.


The point is for every bunch of so-called "right wing biased" publications there are plenty of so-called"left wing biased" publications.



I think circulation is worth a mention...........


Sun = 1,400,000

Mail = 1,200,000

Times = 417,000

Telegraph = 360,000

Express = 321,000


Total  = 3,750,253


Mirror = 508,000

Guardian = 141,000

i  = 233,000


Total = 883,000*


I think size does matter.


*- All numbers rounded down


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Last night I couldn't sleep, so went downstairs for a couple of hours and put the news on (sky) god it was wall to wall Chief rabbi said this, Jeremy Corbyn didn't apologise constant. No mention of the rabbi being a long standing friend of Boris Johnson

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9 hours ago, Pettytom said:

You need to vote for a party way to the right of the Tories.


Booty, Farage and Widdecombe all sitting in the same tree K I S S I N G.

It was the Tories who took us into the EU, selling off our sovereignty and democratic rights. Treaty after treaty has been used to entrench the interests of big business over workers.


Opposing EU membership has always been left wing. Supporting the EU has always been right wing, and still is today.

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

2015: Four candidates for leadership, Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendal all Blairite centrists, and a rank outsider noone's heard of, the left leaning Jeremy Corbyn who thinks there should be a choice of someone to represent the people. He is treated as a  no-hoper, a joke candidate, until he starts to gain ground, he's popular with young people who follow him on social media, (he's the first to use it, born out of necessity to get his message across,) and some older people who have had enough of being ignored.  Then the knives come out, he might be a threat. He is subject to vile abuse and ridicule, 'It's impossible for him to win' they say, as they hunt around trying to dig up the dirt on him. To their surprise there is none. He's squeaky clean, a dedicated politician for over 30 years, had the lowest expenses of all the MPs so the expenses scandal didn't touch him. Ahh but he's been married 3 times, bound to be some juicy scandal there - but no, he fell out with his second wife over a point of principal reguarding private school, and the worst his first wife will say is, he used to eat cold baked beans out of a can. His third wife is lovely but keeps resolutely out of the limelight.

One thing you're missing in all this - the Tories were invited to sign up to Labour for £3 and vote for Corbyn.


If he's such a threat to them, why vote for him?


2015 was too soon for people to forgive Centrist Labour.    But if they had took Burnham as their leader, I don't think Labour would be in the mess its in today.


Labour's main problem is that its no longer just fighting the Tories. Its fighting battles on so many sides and fragmented itself - The Tories, The Lib Dems, their own Leave & Remain supporters, the Leave & Remain Labour MPs, the MPs who don't support Corbyn, the Jews, "Blairite" Labour supporters.

You'd think they'd unite to fight a common enemy, but that's sadly not the case, they're all at each others throats. So until they get their house in order and have some unity, I won't be joining them., and neither will so many "Blairites" as you so nicely call us.

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2 hours ago, melthebell said:

Last night I couldn't sleep, so went downstairs for a couple of hours and put the news on (sky) god it was wall to wall Chief rabbi said this, Jeremy Corbyn didn't apologise constant. No mention of the rabbi being a long standing friend of Boris Johnson

Chris Williamson was right on the money on this issue when he said that Labour should stop being so apologetic over the antisemitism attacks. This has nothing to do with antisemitism and everything to do with trying to undermine the Labour Party and Corbyn in particular. Pandering to it won’t make it go away, it will just prolong it.


Corbyn should have had the balls to point out that the majority of British Jews are secular so the Conservative supporting Chief Rabbi doesn’t even represent the majority of British Jews.

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23 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Chris Williamson was right on the money on this issue when he said that Labour should stop being so apologetic over the antisemitism attacks. This has nothing to do with antisemitism and everything to do with trying to undermine the Labour Party and Corbyn in particular. Pandering to it won’t make it go away, it will just prolong it.


Corbyn should have had the balls to point out that the majority of British Jews are secular so the Conservative supporting Chief Rabbi doesn’t even represent the majority of British Jews.

I agree, they need to grow a pair and go on the attack instead of groveling, if normal people can find out the 'real'motive for the rabbis attack then why don't they have somebody digging for information to use as a weapon?

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