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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

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38 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Because under another leader Labour may have a chance to obtain power. you cant do anything in opposition except whine and moan. 

We are being told 'Labour is unelectable.' How do they know? 

They said Corbyn as Leader of the party was unelectable, but they were wrong. 


Corbyn is already making a difference. Would Boris be pinching Labour's ideas and offering so much if he wasn't worried they might win?  

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True story:  I had reason to have a chat with Robert Peston a week or two ago and he believes that one scenario that could easily play out - and he thinks its increasingly likely - is a hung Parliament which sees Corbyn as PM, supported in an unlikely alliance with the SNP (who will sweep through Scotland) and the Lib Dems who will pick up seats as part of their pact with the Greens and PC.


This is predicated on the fact that the Brexit vote will be split in targeted northern seats, allowing Labour to defend the north and come out of it relatively unscathed.


Now - and here is the rub - he says that while many might shudder at the idea, they shouldn't because none of his more left-wing policies will be allowed out and his key economic policies will be hamstrung.  However, it does guarantee a second referendum, and that is why Swinson and Sturgeon will hold their nose and sit alongside Abbot and Corbyn in a national coalition cabinet.


Bizarrely, the markets might be relatively more happy with this scenario (it increases the chances of remaining in the EU) than they would if there was a Tory majority.


It's a theory with a lot of merit.

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6 minutes ago, bendix said:

True story:  I had reason to have a chat with Robert Peston a week or two ago and he believes that one scenario that could easily play out - and he thinks its increasingly likely - is a hung Parliament which sees Corbyn as PM, supported in an unlikely alliance with the SNP (who will sweep through Scotland) and the Lib Dems who will pick up seats as part of their pact with the Greens and PC.


This is predicated on the fact that the Brexit vote will be split in targeted northern seats, allowing Labour to defend the north and come out of it relatively unscathed.


Now - and here is the rub - he says that while many might shudder at the idea, they shouldn't because none of his more left-wing policies will be allowed out and his key economic policies will be hamstrung.  However, it does guarantee a second referendum, and that is why Swinson and Sturgeon will hold their nose and sit alongside Abbot and Corbyn in a national coalition cabinet.


Bizarrely, the markets might be relatively more happy with this scenario (it increases the chances of remaining in the EU) than they would if there was a Tory majority.


It's a theory with a lot of merit.

It’s an end game with a lot of merit, but voters will have to comply and despite little bubbles of tactical voting the majority of the press are pushing big fat liar Boris and his band of liars. Couple that with Cummings dark arts and I see nothing but a Tory majority - healthy one too.

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1 hour ago, hobinfoot said:

Deflecting criticism seems to be the lefts way of dealing with this. If Corbyn had dealt with the anti Semites in the party at the beginning it wouldn’t be a problem now. Until he grows a pair it’s not going away.

Whilst I think Corbyn's lack of strong leadership over dealing with anti-Semitism in the party has allowed this to continue to be an issue, there seems to be a wilful ignoring of the issue of Islamophobia within the Conservative party. To the extent that Sayeeda Warsi on Tory Islamophobia: 'It feels like I'm in an abusive relationship'. Yet most of the media don't seem to consider it important to report on that - definitely not to the extent that they report on anti-Semitism within Labour.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

We are being told 'Labour is unelectable.' How do they know? 

They said Corbyn as Leader of the party was unelectable, but they were wrong. 


Corbyn is already making a difference. Would Boris be pinching Labour's ideas and offering so much if he wasn't worried they might win?  

Corbyn became Labour leader because he's the unions b*tch and he has policies they like. 


For the last 40 years Labour as you want it has not been elected by the United Kingdom voters.

Labour under Blair was elected (3 times) by the United Kingdom electorate, that tell you anything?


I'll make you a deal. Labour win a majority with Jeremy Corbyn as its leader then i'll donate £100 to a charity of your choice. 


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42 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

It’s an end game with a lot of merit, but voters will have to comply and despite little bubbles of tactical voting the majority of the press are pushing big fat liar Boris and his band of liars. Couple that with Cummings dark arts and I see nothing but a Tory majority - healthy one too.

I'm not so convinced.  This is the ONE election over all others where tactical voting will be widespread.  I don't get where the Tories are going to win all these extra seats from.  They will lose a dozen in Scotland to start with - where the do the rest come from?  the traditioanl labour seats in the North - seats like those in Brexity South Yorkshire and the Workington Man seats?  Not a chance - Farage has made sure of that.


Here's an interesting side theory.  Farage is fighting those seats because deep down he wants to keep the breaks on Brexit happening.  Forget his protestations.  He knows that when Brexit happens he will cease to be relevant.  It will be the end of him.  He has a vested interest in splitting the Brexit vote in the north, and he's going to make it happen.


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9 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Corbyn became Labour leader because he's the unions b*tch and he has policies they like. 


For the last 40 years Labour as you want it has not been elected by the United Kingdom voters.

Labour under Blair was elected (3 times) by the United Kingdom electorate, that tell you anything?


I'll make you a deal. Labour win a majority with Jeremy Corbyn as its leader then i'll donate £100 to a charity of your choice. 


You just imagine the future under a Corbyn / McDonnell / Abbott led Labour Party.  It'll be the 1970's all over again with the union(s) run tail wagging the Labour dog. 


They'll be queing up to take industrial action of one form or another & expect the backing of Corbyn for putting him in his position.  His strings will be visible for miles. 

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58 minutes ago, altus said:

Whilst I think Corbyn's lack of strong leadership over dealing with anti-Semitism in the party has allowed this to continue to be an issue, there seems to be a wilful ignoring of the issue of Islamophobia within the Conservative party. To the extent that Sayeeda Warsi on Tory Islamophobia: 'It feels like I'm in an abusive relationship'. Yet most of the media don't seem to consider it important to report on that - definitely not to the extent that they report on anti-Semitism within Labour.

They have announced a inquiry dealing with Islamophobia will be launched soon it will take a year but at least its been done relatively quickly.

Edited by hobinfoot
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2 hours ago, bendix said:

When everyone except the most loyal Labourite diehard can see the surge in anti-semitism in the Party,

Yet when evidence of this ‘surge’ is asked for, all we get is the same old pro-Palestinian/anti-Zionist examples which are trotted out time and time again as examples of antisemitism. Even if you took all the complaints of antisemitism against Labour, the vast majority of which are unattributed comments on social media, they amount to less than 0.1% of Labour’s membership.


If you call an increase of less than 0,1% a ‘surge’, then that says more about either your gullibility or your extreme prejudice against the left of the Labour Party than anything based remotely in reality.

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11 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

They have announced a inquiry dealing with Islamophobia will be launched soon it will take a year but at least its been done relatively quickly.

They announced it but days after they were criticised for converting it into "general investigation into prejudice of all kinds". That sounds suspiciously like Corbyn's earlier attempts to broaden discussions of Labour anti-Semitism into discussion of all prejudice which he so was vilified for at the time. It's worth noting they haven't started the investigation yet so claiming it will be done relatively quickly is very premature.

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