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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

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7 minutes ago, altus said:

They announced it but days after they were criticised for converting it into "general investigation into prejudice of all kinds". That sounds suspiciously like Corbyn's earlier attempts to broaden discussions of Labour anti-Semitism into discussion of all prejudice which he so was vilified for at the time. It's worth noting they haven't started the investigation yet so claiming it will be done relatively quickly is very premature.

They say the inquiry will start by the end of this year.

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8 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

They say the inquiry will start by the end of this year.

They could easily have started it by now so don't hold your breath for that. Let's reserve judgement on how quick they'll be until they actually announce the results.

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

You just imagine the future under a Corbyn / McDonnell / Abbott led Labour Party.  It'll be the 1970's all over again with the union(s) run tail wagging the Labour dog. 


They'll be queing up to take industrial action of one form or another & expect the backing of Corbyn for putting him in his position.  His strings will be visible for miles. 

Y'know, the Unions are not the enemy.


They have done more for the working class than you can imagine. We'd still be sending little boys up chimneys and living in hovels if it wasn't for them. But once again - when did you ever hear a good word said in the media for the unions? 


Take the upcoming strike by the Royal Mail / Postal workers.  Do you know what it's about? Probably not, because it hasn't been explained at all, so people will probably just believe what they've been told, and assume it's some outragous demands from the union. In fact they are striking about reduced pensions, pay and conditions. They are being forced into signing new contracts which will end their security of employment, with short term contracts, 0 hours etc, Their rounds get longer and harder (in all weathers remember,) and managers demand ever-greater and impossible  efficiencies.


If in doubt try talking to your postman. Yes strikes are inconvenient but it's a 2 way thing. Bosses are never criticised for refusing to compromise. I'm sorry that it's necessary but 87% of workers - ordinary people like you and me, not rabid communists or wreckers, voted for this strike (which will impinge on them more than anybody else.) But Bosses are always portrayed as long suffering, patiently enduring gross unreasonable from communist types. 


Meanwhile the rich get richer without ever having to strike. They now have sky high salaries which no working man could ever hope for. But then it's easy, when you have the governments working in your interest.



Edited by Anna B
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Interesting developments in Scotland.


I was there last week and a significant number of people who are not by any stretch of the imagination, Scottish Nationalists are going to be voting SNP as the best way of preventing a Johnson government. I didn’t meet one person who said that they would vote Labour. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the SNP clean up in Scotland next month.


A late Labour surge as in 2017 could well see a Labour/SNP ‘coalition’.

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The awful TRUTH about all of this...Is that THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY.


Whoever gets in, things will remain pretty much the same as they are now but they WILL get worse over time. Not Improve.


Folks vote for change but it never happens.


Mere people against an utterly  corrupt Gov't.  Folks don't have enough clout to change anything.


Guy Fawks had the right idea.





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39 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Interesting developments in Scotland.


I was there last week and a significant number of people who are not by any stretch of the imagination, Scottish Nationalists are going to be voting SNP as the best way of preventing a Johnson government. I didn’t meet one person who said that they would vote Labour. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the SNP clean up in Scotland next month.


A late Labour surge as in 2017 could well see a Labour/SNP ‘coalition’.

God help us if this happens.

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22 minutes ago, FinBak said:

The awful TRUTH about all of this...Is that THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY.


Whoever gets in, things will remain pretty much the same as they are now but they WILL get worse over time. Not Improve.


Guy Fawks had the right idea.





And your solution is what? 

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

And your solution is what? 

My solution would most likely get me killed...If i survived, i'd be jailed for a very long time.!

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11 hours ago, Flanker7 said:

I think circulation is worth a mention...........


Sun = 1,400,000

Mail = 1,200,000

Times = 417,000

Telegraph = 360,000

Express = 321,000


Total  = 3,750,253


Mirror = 508,000

Guardian = 141,000

i  = 233,000


Total = 883,000*


I think size does matter.


*- All numbers rounded down


So that means that us consumers are choosing to buy more right leaning publications than left wing.


If that is the case then Labour's direction of travel is completely bonkers.



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