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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

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2 hours ago, lottiecass said:

Have you noticed diane abbott anywhere recently? I wonder why she hasn't been on tv ?

I was wondering that about Johnson and Farage this evening when I watched the leader's debate on the Climate Emergency on Channel 4 News this evening.

Johnson and Farage didn't bother to turn up, so Channel 4 had blocks of ice melting where their leaders were supposed to be standing.

Actually it was a very intelligent and civilised  debate because of their absence.

Now because Johnson didn't bother to turn up & a block of ice was installed in his place, he's threatened to review Channel 4's broadcasting licence: 


It does make you wonder that if this is why the BBC have been  so craven in the last few years.....

I like Channel 4 even more than I did before

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7 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

I’ve just watched an interview on Look North with an elderly woman and her daughter. She said she was brought up a socialist but would be voting for the tory Party her daughter said the same because of brexit. You could see the pain they were feeling.

Why Voting for the Tories is Political Stockholm Syndrome.

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40 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I was wondering that about Johnson and Farage this evening when I watched the leader's debate on the Climate Emergency on Channel 4 News this evening.

Johnson and Farage didn't bother to turn up, so Channel 4 had blocks of ice melting where their leaders were supposed to be standing.

Actually it was a very intelligent and civilised  debate because of their absence.

Now because Johnson didn't bother to turn up & a block of ice was installed in his place, he's threatened to review Channel 4's broadcasting licence: 


It does make you wonder that if this is why the BBC have been  so craven in the last few years.....

I like Channel 4 even more than I did before


2 minutes ago, melthebell said:

and why Boris doesnt want be interviewed by andrew Marr?

Or by Andrew Neill?

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"The Conservative Party has written to broadcasting regulator Ofcom accusing Channel 4 of breaking its codes by depriving the Tories of any representation at the debate.

The party calls the "empty chairing" of Mr Johnson - and his replacement with an ice sculpture - a "provocative partisan stunt, which would itself constitute making a political opinion in its own right," something the Tory letter argues is against the broadcasting code.

"It is clear that denying the Conservative Party any opportunity to contribute to this cross-party event is unfair and breaches the requirements to 'preserve' impartiality and does not offer an 'appropriately wide range of significant views' to the public," the letter adds.



I think if it were Jeremy Corbyn who threatened not to renew the broadcasting licence of Channel 4 news because he didn't want to do a leader's debate, people in the press (and on here I'm sure) would be making comparisons with communist Russia or China, at the very least they would be calling him a coward. Yet I'm pretty sure that the press tomorrow would not give it the same prominence had it been Corbyn.

Just imagine the headlines

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Is Boris a role model for the country?


A self confessed liar, cheat, a sexist and racist and he wants us to trust him - why?


Does he really think that be cause he plays the buffoon, he isn't a buffoon?


I wouldn't vote for a cheat, liar, racist and sexist person - would you?

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17 hours ago, Baron99 said:

So Labour have upped the tree planting anti by the political parties  by 'claiming' they would plant TWO BILLION trees in England, (note only England) by 2040 if they win the general election. 


My first thought is why do politicians need to win elections in order to plant trees?  As Friends of the Earth point out, this is 270,000 trees per day, every day? 


My second thought is, was it Diane Abbott who has come up with the 2 billion trees figure & not thought it through again? 

A quick fact check should put your mind at rest.



Nice dig at Abbott, by the way. Maybe you could tell us what you graduated in from Cambridge.


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