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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

Thank you.

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The Headlines today

 i - "PM’s climate meltdown".

Telegraph - “Tories threaten ‘biased’ Channel 4”. 

Times -  “Tories and Labour in battle for the north”

Mirror -  “Boris: working class men are drunk, criminal & feckless”

Express - “Outcry over Labour Brexit ‘lies’”.

Guardian -  “So who was to blame? Fury of the Hillsborough families”.

Sun - “Still no justice”. (Hillsborough)

Mail  -“Yard pays £900k to MP accused by abuse liar”

FT - “Ex-Nissan chief says Japanese nationalists hurt carmaker”.




I count this as 3-2 to the Conservstives.

Boris got off lightly IMO and a day off for Corbyn.

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Corbyn doesn't really help himself, does he? 




Although even I would question a clip from 2011 being dragged up now but then again, if the Parties are going to use such evidence as previous Twitter & Facebook comments.....? 


Edited by Baron99
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5 hours ago, El Cid said:

I am noticing a lot of pro-Liberal Democrat posters, great stuff.

I'm in 2 minds, yes to anti brexit but they seemed to have done off the rails somewhat

1 hour ago, ormester said:

i was but dont like the stance on demoracy


The lying, cheating, double dealing current Tory government is the far worst threat to democracy ever

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3 hours ago, melthebell said:

I'm in 2 minds, yes to anti brexit but they seemed to have done off the rails somewhat

The lying, cheating, double dealing current Tory government is the far worst threat to democracy ever

I couldn't agree more.

10 years of Conservative government have been an unmitigated disaster for most people.


Having privatised a load of things that should not be for profit in the first place, like education, social care and care homes, is any money the Conservatives are now promising to invest, going to go straight into the back pockets of the bosses? 

It's certainly not going to the front line where it is needed. 


What else will they privatise?


How can a care home charging an average of £800 a week, (with most of the workers on minimum wage,) not be able to give adequate care? Where is the money going? Who is getting rich people's expense?

Edited by Anna B
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