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General Election 12 December.

Message added by nikki-red

This is NOT to become a second Brexit thread.

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The Press headlines today :   4-2 to Labour. 

New Zealand’s volcano disaster occupies a majority of the front-page picture positions in our regularly featured mastheads.


The Mirror - “Here’s another picture you won’t want to look at, Mr Johnson”.

The Guardian  - “Tories accused of lying to distract from image of boy on hospital floor”.

The Express -  “Boris threat to axe BBC TV licence”  

The Mail -  “Boris: I might axe TV licence”.


The Telegraph carries a warning to the Tory camp that “Corbyn could win without gaining a seat”

The Sun  – “You’re fired Corbyn” is the headline.


The i - “No sign of life” is the i’s stark headline for the volcano story.

The Times we’ve got “British tourists injured after volcano erupts”.

The FT leads with “Oil boom star Tullow plunges 70% after cut to output forecast” – 

The Independant - "Politicians promises on the NHS can't be delivered."




I went looking for the Inpependant for MW not that it made any difference. The comment above seems to point to a 'reguler' omission of the Independant from the Guardian briefing - it may be something to do with publishing times. I don't think it is Political bias.


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Thanks Anna - Besides my obvious personal opinion. I have an interest in how the Political stance of any paper comes through in almost any article.


IMO the most odious job in the media (and there are plenty) is headline writer. Look at these 2 from today.


The Express -  “Boris threat to axe BBC TV licence”  

The Mail -  “Boris: I might axe TV licence”.


Does the difference matter?

It does to me.

Edited by Flanker7
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2 minutes ago, Flanker7 said:

IMO the most odious job in the media (and there are plenty) is headline writer. Look at these 2 from today.


The Express -  “Boris threat to axe BBC TV licence”  

The Mail -  “Boris: I might axe TV licence”.


Does the difference matter?

It does to me.

Its the word axe made it look more shocking and hardcore, now if they said "look into" "change" or "modernise" it wouldnt look so dramatic

Edited by melthebell
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20 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Its the word axe made it look more shocking and hardcore, now if they said "look into" "change" or "modernise" it wouldnt look so dramatic

Johnson threatened Channel 4 with not having their charter renewed after he refused to appear on their leader's debate, CH4 then put a block of ice in his place.

Johnson is peeved that it was a local BBC reporter that challenged him with the picture of the child with suspected pneumonia lying on a hospital floor for hours. It's what Lynton Crosby called 'the dead cat strategy'. as a way of distracting attention away from bad news onto something else.

However this time, Laura Kuennsberg was exposed for spreading fake news. Twitter and even the mainstream press and broadcast media have gone nuts on this. Very embarrassing for Laura K and the BBC, as well as the 'senior Tories' who claimed that a Labour supporter punched one of Matt Hancock's aides outside a hospital when he did no such thing..

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14 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Johnson threatened Channel 4 with not having their charter renewed after he refused to appear on their leader's debate, CH4 then put a block of ice in his place.


No, he didn't.  Some journo realised that Channel 4's charter was up for renewal, worked out that this would be in the next parliament, and that if Boris wins it would happen while he was leader.  Put two and two together and they made the story "Boris to axe C4"

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15 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

No, he didn't.  Some journo realised that Channel 4's charter was up for renewal, worked out that this would be in the next parliament, and that if Boris wins it would happen while he was leader.  Put two and two together and they made the story "Boris to axe C4"

It's not just a story made up by some journalist. Even the Torygraph reported Boris threatening Ch4:

Boris Johnson has threatened a major shake-up of Channel 4 after the Conservatives accused the broadcaster of “conspiring with Jeremy Corbyn” to shut them out of a televised debate.

The Tories made a formal complaint to Ofcom on Thursday night alleging Channel 4 breached the Broadcasting Code by  refusing to allow Michael Gove to take part...

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4 minutes ago, altus said:

It's not just a story made up by some journalist. Even the Torygraph reported Boris threatening Ch4:



I agree.

This appears to be an off the record briefing from Conservative HQ.

No-one is creditied with the words in any of the reports I've just checked.


This leaves Alchresearch  able to maintain it is all a put up job.


1. How likley is the Telegraph to print a derogatory allegation if the source is questionable?

2. Are the Telegraph likely to have a good connection to Conservative HQ?

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36 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

No, he didn't.  Some journo realised that Channel 4's charter was up for renewal, worked out that this would be in the next parliament, and that if Boris wins it would happen while he was leader.  Put two and two together and they made the story "Boris to axe C4"


Edited by Mister M
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4 minutes ago, Flanker7 said:

I agree.

This appears to be an off the record briefing from Conservative HQ.

No-one is creditied with the words in any of the reports I've just checked.


This leaves Alchresearch  able to maintain it is all a put up job.


1. How likley is the Telegraph to print a derogatory allegation if the source is questionable?

2. Are the Telegraph likely to have a good connection to Conservative HQ?

Has Dominic Cummings' fingerprints / MO all over it - no surprise there.

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