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Power Cuts

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:thumbsup: I was working in a rolling mill down the cliff when the cuts began... boy was that fun... one second we were working and the next... blackness. if you worked at Colvers around 1969 or are interrested let me know. TREK
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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't work at Colvers but I do remember power cuts as a child.

My dad got the camping gear out and we cooked on a little stove - simple meals but it meant we didn't have salads and sandwiches all the time. I also remember he rigged some car headlights up to a battery and positioned mirrors around the living room so that we had plenty of light. Quite a few neighbours came knocking asking us if we'd got our power back because of that! We used to play board games or sometimes using a torch we'd sit in a circle and take turns telling ghost stories or make shadow puppets. Great fun. We had the power off a couple of weeks ago for about 40 mins and my daughter thought it was the end of the world!

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Oh no, don't get me wrong I don't miss those times of powercuts but when things like that do happen there are always alternatives. Always look on the bright side of life (even if there's no lighting) - it saved on the bills, it gave families the opportunity to work together with chores, a bit like camping really and having to rough it for a while. To me it was just another childhood adventure.

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  • 5 months later...

I lived on Andover Drive in Pitsmoor during the power cuts,not sure but wasn't it broadcast when the power was gonna be turned off in your area?also wasn't it around winter time,i ask because i remember mum used to light the oven in the kitchen and open the door,and we all used to gather in there to keep warm,memories......


John t

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Originally posted by stella fan

It was a regular thing the old power cut summat to do with labour goverment of 70's , every household kept a pack of candles just in case infact i've still got some down celler. Good old days???? I don't think so.

Also there were power cut's before 1977,The conservatives were in Ted Heath, approx 1972 3 day week & power cuts all the time .I was working at Tommy Clarkes foundry at the time.
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  • 1 year later...

Remember the cuts well. Me mum had some new-fangled hot hair rollers - filled with wax, had to boil them in a pan. SHe must have put them on the stove, then the power went off, so she went out. When she came back the newly refitted kitchen was covered in black soot - the power had come back on, and she'd left the hob on. We had to clean it all down and repaint the ceiling before me dad got home and played hell - not easy with fake beams in the way.

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