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Ladies,ever had your bottom pinched ?

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In the swinging sixties, I often had my bottom pinched.At one time I worked in the office of a furniture shop in town,and the salesmen were always pinching our bottoms.It was harmless fun,and we made sure that it never went any further(as they were nearly all married), but i wonder if women would put up with it now,or call it sexual harassment ? :hihi: :hihi:

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a few years ago, I was on a fairly crowded bus, (so crowded I was standing up) and someone grabbed my backside.


being a bit bold, and a bit "lary", (young as I was) I got hold of the hand, and raised it up, calling out, at the top of my voice :-


"Excuse me, but has anybody lost a hand? I've just found this one on my bottom!"


Cue the owner of the hand, with a very red face! :blush:



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In the swinging sixties, I often had my bottom pinched.At one time I worked in the office of a furniture shop in town,and the salesmen were always pinching our bottoms.It was harmless fun,and we made sure that it never went any further(as they were nearly all married), but i wonder if women would put up with it now,or call it sexual harassment ? :hihi: :hihi:


I think it must have been in a very different context back then. Having your backside groped in a nightclub (which is where it frequently happens) is no longer innocent fun, it's just downright sleazy and makes you feel very uncomfortable. I remember one particular experience where I was queueing outside along, and a group of guys behind me decided to take it in turns to grab my bottom. At the time I was quite young, and being alone couldn't bring myself to say anything and I found the whole thing quite disturbing. I ended up leaving the queue and just going home.


In a work context I guess it depends who does it. It could be just harmless flirting but from others it might well be sexual harassment. It depends on whether it makes you feel uncomfortable or not.

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It is a good job that ultra-Radical Feminist Andrea Dworkin is not around to read this thread. Professor Dworkin [a world expert at spotting patriarchal phallocentrism wherever it reared its head-forgive the reification] argued that all heterosexual sexual congress equates to rape. Of course it does. Who would dare to dissent from the opinion of a feminist academic? What would the eminent scholar make of those women who consider it 'a compliment' to have one's bottom pinched? She would probably be stirred to fury. One can imagine the copies of Shulamith Firestone's 'The Dialectic of Sex' and Germaine Greer's 'The Female Eunoch' being hurled at her palatial office walls. What would Dworkin make of those male 'patriarchal agents' who dare to fondle and pinch female flesh? One rather gets the impression that she might favour the shearing off of limbs for starters. Dworkin favoured the perfectly reasonable and sane concept of 'mind rape' to describe male heterosexual fantasies about women, sorry, wimmin. One imagines that, had Dworkin ever come to power, she would have sent bottom-pinchers to 're-education' centres, there to be verbally-castrated by young women with Degrees in 'Gender Studies' and flat accents. That would be worse than literal castration, nay, worse than death itself. Must dash, my harem of young 'missee nicetime' Filipino ladies require a severe spanking.

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