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Ladies,ever had your bottom pinched ?

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I have been asked to amend my opinion on bottom pinching, so here goes.


With one notable and rather lovely exception (if you haven't been told you're exempt- it's not you!), anyone attempting to pinch my bum will leave with broken fingers or a knee somewhere soft, squishy and sensitive.


There- is that any better?


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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  • 5 years later...
I think it must have been in a very different context back then. Having your backside groped in a nightclub (which is where it frequently happens) is no longer innocent fun, it's just downright sleazy and makes you feel very uncomfortable. I remember one particular experience where I was queueing outside along, and a group of guys behind me decided to take it in turns to grab my bottom. At the time I was quite young, and being alone couldn't bring myself to say anything and I found the whole thing quite disturbing. I ended up leaving the queue and just going home.


In a work context I guess it depends who does it. It could be just harmless flirting but from others it might well be sexual harassment. It depends on whether it makes you feel uncomfortable or not.

Cannot see it as harmless fun as one's bottom is an intimate part, unless one's partner does the deed. When it happened to me before I met my husband I found it humiliating, he in fact got me to see that I didn't have to put up with it. Any body doing it now would find it a painful choice between me or my hub.

Perhaps they think they are Sid James!!

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That 'Dworkin bird' is unfortunately deceased. Sadly, there is no-one around to pick up the chalice in the eternal battle against patriarchal phallocentric oppression. She did have a 'great pair of knockers', it is true, Basil. I will admit to 'back-scuttling' her after her lecture on 'Post-post-post Stucturalist Feminist Praxis' at Central University Neepsend Tip Site [where I am Vice Chancellor] some years previously. She performed well, but I did not appreciate the post-coital knee in the groin, nor being screamed at and accused of 'violating the universal temple of wimminhood'.


By Bold


Please forgive my ignorance...what the hell is "patriarchal phallocentric oppression" has someone ate a dictionary for breakfast?....:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Without wishing to shatter this male fantasy that they have any right at any time to handle any part of a random woman's body ... I think whoever choose the word "sleazy" in a previous post was spot on the money.


No offence to anyone here, of course .... :D


Not my fantasy, nor do I have any friends who touch women without consent. Its dangerous to be tarring all men with the same brush by making rash / unfounded generalisations.

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Can someone tell me who'Andrea Dworkin ' is or was? I assume her real name was slightly different .Or is she just a figment of the imagination?


Andrea Dworkin is a butch feminist. Not to be confused with Richard Dawkins the well known atheist!

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