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Use And Abuse Of Soup Kitchens

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3 hours ago, max said:

With the amount of corruption in high places I'm amazed that people spend so much effort looking at ways to police schemes to help the less well off in our society.


Or is this another case of "someone's getting something that I'm not and I want it to stop"?


Well said. 

Millions go missing at the top and nobody bats an eyelid, but heaven help anyone in the lower echelons who steps out of line...

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10 hours ago, Halibut said:

You don't know why the 'local drug dealer' was there, nor indeed if he is the local dealer. Perhaps the friend of a friend isn't as well off as you think. Given the stigma around poverty and food banks I really don't think there are many people going who don't need to.

But, do people use food banks because they can or because they need to? There was a case in the Star a while ago where a woman with 2 children was using a food bank because she wanted to save money to take the kids on holiday. I don't begrudge those who have to use one who are in genuine need. 


7 hours ago, Stranza said:

Where are these food banks you just turn up to?

There are some independent food banks around and also food banks run by various Churches where you can just turn up if in need. 

Edited by apelike
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II donate to three, two religious and one independent (you can add it to online grocery shop easily) they all need referral.

I know if one 'soup kitchen ' that uses up waste food (kid works for supermarket that donates) that is a turn up and eat place.


I really couldn't care less who eats it as long as it's used. I'm currently loaded with our of date mince pies if anyone fancies some.

As long as there is somewhere anyone can get a meal if they need it that's all that counts.

How can you begrudge someone basic food? At best a food bank parcel costs £40 I'm sure the resale value is minimal.


We should look up, not down. It isn't the poor that are benefiting.

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59 minutes ago, Stranza said:

II donate to three, two religious and one independent (you can add it to online grocery shop easily) they all need referral.

I know if one 'soup kitchen ' that uses up waste food (kid works for supermarket that donates) that is a turn up and eat place.


I really couldn't care less who eats it as long as it's used. I'm currently loaded with our of date mince pies if anyone fancies some.

As long as there is somewhere anyone can get a meal if they need it that's all that counts.

How can you begrudge someone basic food? At best a food bank parcel costs £40 I'm sure the resale value is minimal.


We should look up, not down. It isn't the poor that are benefiting.

I agree. Some people think it's their right to have a go at those with nothing, if they're not entitled to something; but would defend the right of those with plenty to help themselves. Whether it's ignorance, deference or the Stockholm Syndrome who knows....

Edited by Mister M
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3 hours ago, Stranza said:

II donate to three, two religious and one independent (you can add it to online grocery shop easily) they all need referral.

I know if one 'soup kitchen ' that uses up waste food (kid works for supermarket that donates) that is a turn up and eat place.


I really couldn't care less who eats it as long as it's used. I'm currently loaded with our of date mince pies if anyone fancies some.

As long as there is somewhere anyone can get a meal if they need it that's all that counts.

How can you begrudge someone basic food? At best a food bank parcel costs £40 I'm sure the resale value is minimal.


We should look up, not down. It isn't the poor that are benefiting.

That’s one of the best posts I’ve ever seen on here.


Well said.

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1 minute ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

I don't believe every food bank user is destitute. There must be some simple method to keep the cheats away who do not need to attend.



There is an easy way to do that.


All we need to do is to create a fair society. A society where everyone has sufficient resources to provide food and clothing for their families.


Then there will be no food banks and no cheats. 

In the meantime, I’d rather see people put their efforts into feeding the hungry, rather than looking for cheats.

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39 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

There is an easy way to do that.


All we need to do is to create a fair society. A society where everyone has sufficient resources to provide food and clothing for their families.


Then there will be no food banks and no cheats. 

In the meantime, I’d rather see people put their efforts into feeding the hungry, rather than looking for cheats.

Rather an odd reply if you don't mind me saying.  For example, a food bank has food for 200 destitute people, 50 non destitute come and fill their bag, meaning 150 get food leaving 50 who deserve the food do not get it. Why would you not wish to stop the non deserving taking food out of the mouths of the 50 deserving.



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2 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Rather an odd reply if you don't mind me saying.  For example, a food bank has food for 200 destitute people, 50 non destitute come and fill their bag, meaning 150 get food leaving 50 who deserve the food do not get it. Why would you not wish to stop the non deserving taking food out of the mouths of the 50 deserving.



My understanding is that a person / family would need a referral by a GP or the DWP to use a food bank. Are they referring undeserving people?

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