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Time To Ban xmas trees.

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37 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Your first paragraph is just talking silly instead of a reasoned argument so I won't attempt to answer that.

I wouldn't compensate them at all so no government money spent.

People have lost their livelihoods for centuries due to many different reasons and this would be no different.

Planning laws should be used to ensure that the land is not put to other use unless it benefits the planet.


Why is it talking silly? Yes, it's taking your argument to the extreme but I fail to see a difference in the underlying logic. 


What's the difference between banning people from buying Christmas presents, the manufacture of which use an incredible amount of resources and create a huge amount of Co2, and banning people from buying Christmas trees (the growing of which is pretty much carbon neutral). If something was going to be banned, surely it would be the former?!


To address the rest of your comment... So you wouldn't compensate them- you would forcibly take land off people, denying them a way of making money, and somehow enforce it to make sure none of the Christmas Trees are felled.  And the amount of Co2 you'd prevent from being released long term would be how much exactly? Because I can't see how it would be very much at all, if any. That land would be used for growing trees anyway, so it would be completely pointless! It's absolute nonsense! 

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I believe Christmas trees are grown as a crop, cut down and regrown. Might as well try to ban cabages. 


It's a winter festival designed to cheer us all up in the depths of  cold dark nights.  Having said that, there's plenty about Christmas that  needs  to be given more thought.

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20 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I believe Christmas trees are grown as a crop, cut down and regrown. Might as well try to ban cabages. 


It's a winter festival designed to cheer us all up in the depths of  cold dark nights.  Having said that, there's plenty about Christmas that  needs  to be given more thought.

Exactly. It's a crop like any other. 

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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Saving the planet plus it's population and wildlife is far more important than  the commercial interests of the Christmas tree growers.

How much wood / wood based products have you got in your house?


I know that in mine I've got more than a lifetimes worth of Christmas trees. To replace it all - what would I use - plastic? metal?

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Hi Longcol,

Yes I do parlez daft.

Regarding wood, - yes there is some in my house although not such a lot. I'm sure you won't find a house which doesn't contain wood products but does that prove anything?.

It doesn't have to be replaced because you can't put the trees back in the ground and that damage has already been done. Lets just say we have learned something and vow to be better 

Like most other people, all mine was bought before we realised the serious state of this planet.

We do now make efforts to modify our behaviour as much as possible and, before you ask, our Christmas tree is artificial and at least 20 years old.

It may not be possible to change our lifestyles completely but, if we all make the biggest effort we can, with a sense of responsibility, we should have an effect without needing legislation to ban everything.

Responsible adult humans should not need to be told what to do. If we can't handle managing without a real Christmas tree then God help us when the planet dies. 

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9 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Hi Longcol,

Yes I do parlez daft.

Regarding wood, - yes there is some in my house although not such a lot. I'm sure you won't find a house which doesn't contain wood products but does that prove anything?.

It doesn't have to be replaced because you can't put the trees back in the ground and that damage has already been done. Lets just say we have learned something and vow to be better 

Like most other people, all mine was bought before we realised the serious state of this planet.

We do now make efforts to modify our behaviour as much as possible and, before you ask, our Christmas tree is artificial and at least 20 years old.

It may not be possible to change our lifestyles completely but, if we all make the biggest effort we can, with a sense of responsibility, we should have an effect without needing legislation to ban everything.

Responsible adult humans should not need to be told what to do. If we can't handle managing without a real Christmas tree then God help us when the planet dies. 

I would imagine there is a large amount in the structure of the building;


eg most roofs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_roof_construction#Construction_of_a_rafter_roof


Not to mention floors, door frames, doors, cupboards etc - maybe external fences?


Any ideas what to replace it all with that is more sustainable than wood?

Edited by Longcol
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18 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Hi Longcol,

Yes I do parlez daft.

Regarding wood, - yes there is some in my house although not such a lot. I'm sure you won't find a house which doesn't contain wood products but does that prove anything?.

It doesn't have to be replaced because you can't put the trees back in the ground and that damage has already been done. Lets just say we have learned something and vow to be better 

Like most other people, all mine was bought before we realised the serious state of this planet.

We do now make efforts to modify our behaviour as much as possible and, before you ask, our Christmas tree is artificial and at least 20 years old.

It may not be possible to change our lifestyles completely but, if we all make the biggest effort we can, with a sense of responsibility, we should have an effect without needing legislation to ban everything.

Responsible adult humans should not need to be told what to do. If we can't handle managing without a real Christmas tree then God help us when the planet dies. 

You have still failed to explain why buying real trees is bad for the planet. Do you know how many extra trees are grown in the UK because of the live Christmas Tree market? And that's somehow bad for the planet! 

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53 minutes ago, Longcol said:

I would imagine there is a large amount in the structure of the building;


eg most roofs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_roof_construction#Construction_of_a_rafter_roof


Not to mention floors, door frames, doors, cupboards etc - maybe external fences?


Any ideas what to replace it all with that is more sustainable than wood?

I fail to see your point.

My house is, I imagine like every other house and I have already said was built before these threats to the planet were known.

I also have already said that it doesn't need replacing so I am not interested in your argument.

If you are trying to prove that we can't live without using any resources at all, I already know that but that doesn't give us the right to squander every resource without care.

I will carry on doing my best to use no more of the earths resources than I have to as I have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and have to think of their future.

If you don't care about the younger generation then I pity you

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51 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

You have still failed to explain why buying real trees is bad for the planet. Do you know how many extra trees are grown in the UK because of the live Christmas Tree market? And that's somehow bad for the planet! 

If you don't see that a tree is better in the ground than in your lounge then any explanation of mine will not convince you otherwise and I will repeat what I have just said in my previous post -

If you don't care about the younger generation then I pity you too and all who think like you.

If you did manage to change anyone's mind who thinks like me, you would only have won the debate and lost the planet so my view is unchanged.

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