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Viruses Doing The Rounds

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On 16/11/2019 at 19:38, kaytie said:

I've had it/got it!   Recommend lots of red wine!   May not cure the bug, but after a few glasses you don't care!  😁

Best advice so far - if I had a really streaming cold I found six pints (beer, not wine!) and then off to bed was the best cure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I havnt caught a cold, but I have had a sore throat and a cough. How have I caught it, by touching something or via someone breathing their germs in my direction?

I would guess that I caught it via an airbourne germ/virus. Got me thinking about this bug that has caused 6/7 schools to close in my local area, for a 'deep clean'.

What is the point of a deep clean if most germs are airbourne.

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Must admit my missus and myself have both had a flue type cold for almost a week now, general lethargy, sore chest, runny nose and a persistent chesty cough, with a headache just to add to the fun. Her indoors does not have the annual flue jab, but due to health problems I have had it for many years, but seems to have failed this year.



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7 hours ago, El Cid said:

I havnt caught a cold, but I have had a sore throat and a cough. How have I caught it, by touching something or via someone breathing their germs in my direction?

I would guess that I caught it via an airbourne germ/virus. Got me thinking about this bug that has caused 6/7 schools to close in my local area, for a 'deep clean'.

What is the point of a deep clean if most germs are airbourne.

I believe the school closures are due to norovirus?

From https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/norovirus/


You can catch norovirus from:

  • close contact with someone with norovirus
  • touching surfaces or objects that have the virus on them, then touching your mouth
  • eating food that's been prepared or handled by someone with norovirus
Edited by nikki-red
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On 14/11/2019 at 16:47, petemcewan said:

is this real or not.

It says it's real. But the clue is in the word "Processed".


As it is an electron microscope then "processed" will probably mean its been colour processed as I believe electron microscopes are normally monochrome images.

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Deep cleans are really important in schools, and especially hospitals where not only cold, flu and noroviruses are, but in hospitals there is MRSA. 

Although cold and flu viruses are airborne, it's really important at this time of year to wash their hands regularly, because the bugs are all over door handles, buttons on lifts etc. If you can't wash your hands, there are baby wipes as well as those alcohol hand gels.

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