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What If A Member Of Royal Family Was A Pedo?

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I don’t know enough about Epstein’s activities to say all his victims were of age but he certainly used his power and influence to groom and coerce women. The documentary I watched seemed to also implicate his partner, Robert Maxwell’s daughter, who also socialised with Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson.  I think this will echo Jimmy Saville, perpetrator dead, damage limitation for associates and a lot of damaged, unsatisfied victims 

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I'm no lover of the Monarchy, and find  Prince Andrew a less than impressive individual, bland, grey and nondescript. What is interesting is how the  pro establishment Royalty cheering right wing gutter press have influenced the public to find him guilty in the court of public opinion. 

Interestingly he is now damned as a paedophile when, as far as I understand it his accuser was 17 at the time.  She may well have been trafficked and coerced into sex with Andrew in which case he would be guilty of rape. A middle aged mad having sexual relations with a 17 year old is seedy in the extreme and  sordid, he's used and abused his position. However to decry him as a paedophile seems a bit off the mark to me. Under law in UK i believe a 17 year old is classed as a child, but strictly speaking would he still be classed as a paedophile ?


Not a pleasant subject this.


Ready for the pitchforks


Edited by Ridgewalk
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On 20/11/2019 at 23:33, Box11 said:

Everyone needs to stop accepting gongs i.e MBE,OBE etc etc from them while ever people are still accepting these they will carry on with all their shenanigans they make the MAFIA look like boy scouts.....


They are only figureheads and not needed in modern society...


He is totally deluded for him to think for one minute people would believe in the answers he gave in the interview were a true account of what happened,it just proves they think the general population are stupid and would swallow what he said.60 years ago he would have got away with that interview but the world is a totally different place now everyone knows how things work and to question what is being put to them!!!!


There needs to be a public inquiry into what he knows or did while he was in the company of Epstein and "Madam" G.Maxwell.....


I fear all of this will go quiet very soon and not to be mentioned again that's the usual in these cases...


Yet again another Royal has got away Scott free without being held accountable !!!!!!


And stepping down from Royal Duties is not being held accountable !!!!!! 

" figureheads and not needed in a modern society"


Well someone needs to convince  the great British public of that.  I believe Polls over the years consistently demonstrate their popularity. Only surprising thing is where the attacks have come from eg Daily Mail whose online presence is full of nauseatingly sycophantic cringeworthy supplication to the Monarchy as an institution

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To be fair I think after the Queen passes away the remaining royals should be disolved and pensioned off. Im not a royalist but I think the Queen is the best of a bad bunch. She still has the old school morales and still follows royal protocol too a T.  Just look back over the past not so many years, they have all been involved in embarrasing  the institution and the country with some very bad behaviour From Phillips dodgy dealings with a car crash, Charles with his triangled  love affair,  Harry's drug abuse in night clubs and dressing as a Natzi and much more Skulldugery from the rest of the clique over the years. If you look back it will show none of them are fit to take over from the Queen.

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11 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

I'm no lover of the Monarchy, and find  Prince Andrew a less than impressive individual, bland, grey and nondescript. What is interesting is how the  pro establishment Royalty cheering right wing gutter press have influenced the public to find him guilty in the court of public opinion. 

Interestingly he is now damned as a paedophile when, as far as I understand it his accuser was 17 at the time.  She may well have been trafficked and coerced into sex with Andrew in which case he would be guilty of rape. A middle aged mad having sexual relations with a 17 year old is seedy in the extreme and  sordid, he's used and abused his position. However to decry him as a paedophile seems a bit off the mark to me. Under law in UK i believe a 17 year old is classed as a child, but strictly speaking would he still be classed as a paedophile ?


Not a pleasant subject this.


Ready for the pitchforks


I believe Andy was accused of having "relations" in the USA by a certain young Lady, it allegedly took place 3 times, Two of these times was while the young Lady was under age in the state where the alleged offence took place. The third time she was of age of consent.  Just what I read, is it true or false, who knows. Maybe Andy will have to go to the USA and give evidence, although some think he would be arrested as he got off the plane. (breakfast TV this morning)



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6 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

I believe Andy was accused of having "relations" in the USA by a certain young Lady, it allegedly took place 3 times, Two of these times was while the young Lady was under age in the state where the alleged offence took place. The third time she was of age of consent.  Just what I read, is it true or false, who knows. Maybe Andy will have to go to the USA and give evidence, although some think he would be arrested as he got off the plane. (breakfast TV this morning)



So it is alleged sexual assualt, maybe even rape. Not paedophilia (pedophilia in the USA).




"Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[4] "

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