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Owls To Be Charged.


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3 hours ago, Brooker11 said:

I think we have to tread carefully as these are only accusations at the moment, no guilt has been proved, having said that it is a mess. When this happened to Ciellino at Leeds he put someone else into the club as chairman until his ban ended, his was a fairly short ban though.

Yes I agree, it could all be resolved but it's still worrying how it even got to this stage. It needs resolving as soon as though

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39 minutes ago, Ontarian1981 said:

The trouble is now it is likely in the hands of lawyers,especially with potential criminal charges involved. It may not even be resolved this season.Of course that would make it even harder on the fans and the players, imagine winning promotion and then being dumped down a division or two before the season began.

How far down did Rangers and Juventus get demoted by their repective leagues?



Rangers were dropped to the Scottish 3rd Division.

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23 hours ago, bassett one said:

but hes been successfull at all his businesses ,so that should of stood us in good stead,but it seems otherwise,lets hope we are proved okay,but when do we find out?


Can you name one? (serious question), his Dad, although getting on in years, is the head of the family businesses and his older brother is the heir apparent. 


DC is listed in various business shareholdings as "family member", not "Managing Director" or "Head of Business Development" of anything that says he is any sort of businessman.


I don't subscribe to "The Star" so have no idea what this says, beyond the headlines.



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21 minutes ago, abbeyedges said:

It seems to me that the EFL may well have sanctioned the sale of the ground to Mr Chansiri but they certainly wouldn't have authorised putting that sale in a previous years accounts.

I think this is the crux of the matter; getting an agreement that they could sell the ground to themselves to fudge the figures (which if the EFL agreed to, will no doubt anger some people),  but then putting the sale into the previous years accounts, and in the process, selling the ground to a company that appears to have been incorporated a day after Chancer signed off the books (which included the sale). 


I would also find it hard to believe that if the EFL did indeed go along with the scheme to sell the ground back to the owner, that it would sanction 60 million as the value, when the book value was around a third of that.


SWFC vs the EFL, interesting times we live in. 

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Thanks for adding some more 'meat' to my point Grapps.


I listen to P&G but never contribute but tonight I've been screaming at the radio as the presenter (Mike?) never brought up this argument and allowed the Wednesdayites to continue their love-in with Mr Chansiri.

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1 hour ago, Grappler said:

I think this is the crux of the matter; getting an agreement that they could sell the ground to themselves to fudge the figures (which if the EFL agreed to, will no doubt anger some people),  but then putting the sale into the previous years accounts, and in the process, selling the ground to a company that appears to have been incorporated a day after Chancer signed off the books (which included the sale). 


I would also find it hard to believe that if the EFL did indeed go along with the scheme to sell the ground back to the owner, that it would sanction 60 million as the value, when the book value was around a third of that.


SWFC vs the EFL, interesting times we live in. 

But the accounts have been signed off the auditors. I’d imagine that they might also be reaching for their lawyers if the EFL proceed. Damage to their professional reputation could be very costly. This has the potential to get very messy. The stakes are high for the EFL and for Wednesday.


I can see it taking a couple of years for this to play out properly. There will be the EFL hearings. Presumably Wednesday will bring court action. Then there’s the prospect of the loser appealing.


At the end of it all is the football club that I pay a lot of money to watch. This season is getting weird, the football is good, but the shadow of a points deduction renders it all a bit meaningless.  I can see next season being the same.


The club is heading the right way on the pitch, I just hope they can start to do things properly off it. And in the meantime, I’ve got everything crossed that the outcome of the battle with the EFL is swift and not too damaging.


I’m sure that you Blades won’t share my hopes.

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