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1 hour ago, gaz 786 said:

What would have happened if the floods that devastated South Yorkshire happened in a stockbroker belt down south? Would the government have been as slow to help out I think not 😡

You got anything to support that?


The floods happened just 7 days ago. The army is deployed, there's been emergency committees involved, the prime minister has visited the scene and steps are being sorted out for emergency funding.


I really don't know what more you expect to happen in less than a week. 


This whole North-South thing is just horse crap.


It could have happened outside the pm's front door but there's very little more that could or should have been done in the time frame.


The p.m. is hardly going to be able to stand there and stop the tide physically is he?    Neither is he realistically expected to stand there for hours and pumping out water, carrying supplies and piling up sandbags for the residents.


Things get done in London.  Things get sorted from his office.  Things get decided in his cabinet room.  Not standing in his waders pointing at things and putting on a sad face for the cameras.  


Just because Corbyn has wound up the PR machine to max and done a load of electioneering photo ops doesn't mean that the current government hasn't done anything they should have.


The media and woe is me talking heads are just sensationalising and whipping up hysteria to get the numbers up and sell more papers.


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13 minutes ago, Anna B said:

It was Jeremy Corbyn who visited South Yorkshire first, and then personally insisted that Boris Johnson call it a National Emergency so a Cobra meeting could be called, and help granted (like the Army being drafted in.)


He wrote; 'If this had happened in Surrey it would have been declared a National emergency.'  


The letter can be seen online



It's not as Jeremy's got much else to do anyway.   He certainly not busy acting like he opposition leader.


"Personally insisted" my backside.  He's campaigning in election. He does whatever gives good PR.    I am not buying the hysterics in the papers either.   All these residents going on about no support and banging on about Boris not doing anything.... Nonsense.


I was seeing with my own eyes and hearing reports as early as Thursday last week about severe flood warnings, evacuations and involvement from the emergency services.  The news reports were all on about it all day Friday and the weekend.   There was footage being show of emergency services closing down roads and evacuating people.


Somebody must have organised that and made decisions.


There is no guarantee on any natural disaster.  Weather is like that it's unpredictable.  It was just as unpredictable for us in 2007.  


I am not unsympathetic to anyone having to go through the situation but I want to know why all the focus on the prime minister and the Tories.   Why is it that everything that happens in this country at the moment is jumped upon by the anti-tory brigade and used as some stick.


Why are questions not been asked about the responsibilities of the local authorities, the rivers and canal trust, the Environment Agency.  


Why is nobody looking into what happened with the money from the last batch of flood defence funding.  What has been done, how often and by whom.  What if anything failed and if so who was responsible for it.


There is potentially a chain of failure here and it doesn't all lie with the p.m no matter how many times people shout it


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57 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I've never seen anybody so uncomfortable as Boris Johnson trying to talk to ordinary people.

Yorkshire folk don't mince their words - maybe Boris learnt something.


But I doubt it. . .

I doubt anyone from Yorkshire ever went to Eton, he probably thought they were Martians or something.LOL

Boris epitomises the upper class twit of the year, he even looks like Chapman from Monty Python. 

Edited by Ontarian1981
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5 hours ago, gaz 786 said:

What would have happened if the floods that devastated South Yorkshire happened in a stockbroker belt down south? Would the government have been as slow to help out I think not 😡

Think back to the aftermath of the 2007 flood in Yorkshire when we had a Lab Govt?  I distinctly remember tv reports, catching up with flooded home owners who were promised financial help by Lab, still waiting for that help to arrive many, many months later. 

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7 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

You got anything to support that?


The floods happened just 7 days ago. The army is deployed, there's been emergency committees involved, the prime minister has visited the scene and steps are being sorted out for emergency funding.


I really don't know what more you expect to happen in less than a week. 


This whole North-South thing is just horse crap.


It could have happened outside the pm's front door but there's very little more that could or should have been done in the time frame.


The p.m. is hardly going to be able to stand there and stop the tide physically is he?    Neither is he realistically expected to stand there for hours and pumping out water, carrying supplies and piling up sandbags for the residents.


Things get done in London.  Things get sorted from his office.  Things get decided in his cabinet room.  Not standing in his waders pointing at things and putting on a sad face for the cameras.  


Just because Corbyn has wound up the PR machine to max and done a load of electioneering photo ops doesn't mean that the current government hasn't done anything they should have.


The media and woe is me talking heads are just sensationalising and whipping up hysteria to get the numbers up and sell more papers.


I have been flooded out of my home in the past , taken to safety on a police boat , No one could have stopped the floods that engulfed our home it came like lightning , it went ,we got our buckets and mops looked at each other and got on with sorting out , no help from any one , we survived. As an after thought we did rise our lower floors by over a foot after that flood over twenty years ago and the water never reached enough to flood in again .

Edited by TomMix
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Its interesting to see the flood defence barrier banks protecting Fishlake were in place over a hundred years ago:



Its obviously been a wet place for a long time, all the drainage channels in evidence.  I wonder how many of them had been cleared before autumn though?


And management mistakes caused flooding in Worksop:


England flooding: Worksop sluice gate delay 'made flooding worse'



Council officials and residents in Worksop repeatedly asked the Canal and River Trust (CRT) to alleviate the flooding by opening the sluice gate.

The trust refused to do so and the gate was eventually opened by a firefighter several hours later.


The CRT said the sluice gate was in a building "deemed unsafe" for its workers to enter, and it had reported the condition of the building to the council on 16 October.


Edited by alchresearch
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5 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Think back to the aftermath of the 2007 flood in Yorkshire when we had a Lab Govt?  I distinctly remember tv reports, catching up with flooded home owners who were promised financial help by Lab, still waiting for that help to arrive many, many months later. 

Yep. From 2007:


New Labour ignored flood warnings



And in 2017:


£15million EU flood fund spent on paying off Labour fine




The European Union has given the UK €60 million to help flood-hit areas but it will actually receive just £500,000.


The EU Solidarity Fund retrospectively reimburses members states of the EU for 2.5 per cent of the direct costs associated with the damage incurred by floods.


The Government will use £14.5 million of that money to pay a fine which it faces due to the Labour government misspending money which it was allocated under the EU Solidarity Fund following floods in Southern England in 2007.


Money was spent on projects for which it was not eligible.


Edited by alchresearch
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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Its interesting to see the flood defence barrier banks protecting Fishlake were in place over a hundred years ago:



Its obviously been a wet place for a long time, all the drainage channels in evidence.  I wonder how many of them had been cleared before autumn though?


And management mistakes caused flooding in Worksop:


England flooding: Worksop sluice gate delay 'made flooding worse'



Worksop council leader uses hindsight to apportion blame in floods.

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8 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Its interesting to see the flood defence barrier banks protecting Fishlake were in place over a hundred years ago:



Its obviously been a wet place for a long time, all the drainage channels in evidence.  I wonder how many of them had been cleared before autumn though?


And management mistakes caused flooding in Worksop:


England flooding: Worksop sluice gate delay 'made flooding worse'



Even if these drainage channels had been in pristine condition, there is no way they would have coped with a months rain in one day.


"There are eight pumps in separate locations in the Fishlake area, moving 50 million litres of water per hour to help protect homes and businesses.

The pumps have removed 1.25 million tonnes of water in the past 24 hours and this has helped to reduce water levels in the village from 2 metres to 0.3 metres - a decrease of 85%."



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