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Black Friday. Do You Fall For It?

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Fall for it? I don't believe so, I've not exactly been looking for bargains on things I didn't really want. Did I buy a few things after using price-tracking websites to check whether some discounts were real or not, and then only because I'd got a lot of birthday money to spend and a list of things I was going to buy regardless with the date being coincidental? Yes.


Bought a couple of film that were £2 cheaper than anywhere else I could find and an external HDD I urgently needed that was about £10 cheaper than it had been on sale for in the last 12 months, plus a few art print to hang on walls that I have no idea if they were cheaper than before (both said 50% off) but which I bought because they were cheap enough for me to internally justify spending the money on something to decorate my house.


I did spot one example of an item being advertised on Amazon as having a big discount (70% off) but they were comparing it to the price it cost when newly released rather than the price it had been over the past 12 months. I think there was a small real discount but it was only something like 5%. Naughty.


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Seems all hype and not so much substance.  Retail sector trying to whip up a frenzy and get people spending. I think it’s more successful in the US? Also, as another posted points out, use price tracking websites like camel camel camel for a more scientific approach to tell if you’re actually getting a good deal.

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34 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Seems all hype and not so much substance.  Retail sector trying to whip up a frenzy and get people spending. I think it’s more successful in the US? Also, as another posted points out, use price tracking websites like camel camel camel for a more scientific approach to tell if you’re actually getting a good deal.

And no doubt retailers will be moaning that no one is spending anything in December due to the 'Black Friday' sales in November? 

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To. use an old phrase the public has never had it so good.

You can now track the price of virtually everything you want whether it’s comparison sights or Amazon/EBay ect.

What is clear is there is a kind of 2 tier price model if you just walk in a shop or onto a company website and buy chances are you will pay sometimes by a considerable amount over the odds.Where as spending a little time and maybe waiting a while can net you a considerable saving.


Using mobile phones as an example you can by shopping around get the iPhone 11 for a little over £30 a month yet go onto the providers website and you will pay over £50 a month.Just One of many examples I have come across.

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