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London Terror Attack 29/11/2019

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22 minutes ago, Branyy said:

Yes, we don't have to worry about him. But what about the others? Like his terrorist friends from 2012?

To be fair, I'm not sure that convicted terrorists are released after 6 years anywhere in the real (civilised) world except Britain.

But it's OUR law WE go on? I'm sure you're one of those previously banging on about our laws and our soverienty?

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1 hour ago, Branyy said:

It might be time to reconsider and update those laws then. Actually, it's already too late...

Who’s going to pay for it? People convicted of violent crime aren’t always jailed because there currently aren’t enough prison places and removing the right to remission would add tens of thousands to the prison population. Prison discipline, already poor, would get much worse as the threat of losing remission is currently the most effective tool the prison service has in maintaining order.


England and Wales already have the highest prison populations in Europe and you are suggesting we increase it even further because of the actions of one head the ball with a knife and a fake bomb vest?

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6 hours ago, Daven said:

I'm sure we don't know - care to enlighten us ?

That's the problem, Nobody knows or they would be stopped.Just because WE don't know, doesn't make terrorists go away and stop making the bombs. As you well know it is rampant all over the World especially in western countries. The cops who shot the guy didn't know it was a fake bomb or they would have just arrested him, as he had already been. disarmed by the crowd, or so I read.


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16 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Who’s going to pay for it? People convicted of violent crime aren’t always jailed because there currently aren’t enough prison places and removing the right to remission would add tens of thousands to the prison population. Prison discipline, already poor, would get much worse as the threat of losing remission is currently the most effective tool the prison service has in maintaining order.


England and Wales already have the highest prison populations in Europe and you are suggesting we increase it even further because of the actions of one head the ball with a knife and a fake bomb vest?

Well if I was a relative of one of his victims I would be petitoning big time for a change in the law especially in relation to terrorists.


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52 minutes ago, Ontarian1981 said:

Well if I was a relative of one of his victims I would be petitoning big time for a change in the law especially in relation to terrorists.


Yes great petition away but what is the actual solution to the problem.  


Exactly the same with the whole Hillsborough debacle - quite rightly grieving families get angry and upset.  All they want is a single thing or single person to place all the blame onto.   However, in the real world that is not always possible or even right.


Just because one nut job has reoffended after being released does not mean that the entire system should be thrown out.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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6 minutes ago, melthebell said:



Funnily enough the first named victim was working with offenders at the event where it started and his father has said he doesn't want his sons killing to lead to more draconian laws

That's very noble of his father considering the circumstances of his sons death, however that same opinion may or may not be held by the parents of other victims or indeed any potential future victims of 'violent' criminals who get released early, it does make you wonder what level of rehabilitation can be achieved or expected with some offenders, people who have plotted to kill on such a scale that it be considered terrorism maybe should be imprisoned for longer .... just an alternative thought.

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7 minutes ago, Michael_W said:

That's very noble of his father considering the circumstances of his sons death, however that same opinion may or may not be held by the parents of other victims or indeed any potential future victims of 'violent' criminals who get released early, it does make you wonder what level of rehabilitation can be achieved or expected with some offenders, people who have plotted to kill on such a scale that it be considered terrorism maybe should be imprisoned for longer .... just an alternative thought.

Another alternative thought would be to look at seeking out the root cause of what converts these people into considering such extreme acts in the first place.


Whenever these tragedies occur the reactionary pitchfork brigade always start demanding they should lock them up and throw away the key.  The reality is that does not solve the problem.


America have a death penalty for god's sake.  One could say it's the ultimate preventative measure for reoffending.  However we all know in reality that does sod all to stop the constant violent crimes, shootings and terrorism happening in the country.


It's just too simplistic.


The response from the father is a very noble given the circumstances but in my opinion it is the right position to take.  It's balanced and gives consideration to the wider picture. 


Times are turbulent enough without knee-jerk reactionary decisions primarilly fuelled by the hysterics and certain types of media.


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I'm all for looking in to root causes but maybe that in itself could be considered to be a simplistic answer, I'm sure resources have been spent doing that very thing over the last 15 years or so anyway. I certainly don't consider my opinion as knee jerk or pitchfork like either, though others may hold harsher thoughts than me, but the system we have, whichever way it's looked at, has failed in this instance, regardless of the thoughts of you or me.

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