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Iron Rust

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On 12/12/2019 at 19:47, lazarus said:

To remove the browning on an irons face plate, plug it in on hot and rub the area with a Paracetamol but don’t burn your fingers. It works.


On 13/12/2019 at 08:26, alchresearch said:

It really does, I've never found anything else as good.  I'm wondering if some upset tummy tablets might do the job too as paracetamol are too small for my sausage fingers!


On 15/12/2019 at 16:29, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Thank you to all respondents. It does seem to be rust, not just browning. The iron started-off OK; the patches appeared after two or three bouts of use.

Paracetamol, eh? I'll try it anyway and report back.

Well, I did try it- and blow me down but that's the answer! Whoever would have though it, eh?

Many thanks for the guidance.

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On 24/12/2019 at 12:46, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Yes, my iron does have a water inlet for steaming whilst ironing- but I tend not to use the feature as it's too much fuss.

Respectfully Sir, you've misunderstood my post.  A "steam-generator" iron is not the same as a "steam iron".  A steam generator iron has a separate tank of water that is heated by its own boiler and creates massive amounts of steam that are forced at high pressure through the sole plate when ironing.  They make light work of ironing, cutting the ironing time down by about half (according to some estimates).    


I will be careful with my next paragraph, as I suspect it's what may have caused my original post to be removed, but I have to confess, in our house the ironing is mainly done by my dearest wife.  I have used the iron occasionally, just to see what it's like 😏, but she's happy to do that and I'm happy to do DIY, manual work in the garden, anything to do with mechanics or cars,  and my share of cleaning the house and decorating.  Very old-fashioned I know, but it works on the principle that "fair-exchange is no robbery" and we are both happy with that so it's fine for us thanks - no "misogynistic" intentions here at all when I say she swears by the steam-generator irons - and says they save her hours of ironing a week.  


Perhaps the easiest way to spot the difference is to look at the price tag.  Most steam-generator irons start around £150-£200.  So they aren't cheap - but we'd never go back to a normal iron, or steam iron now.  Just save the receipt in case it conks out before your 2 years warranty is up.  We are onto our 3rd or 4th steam generator iron now - they do get heavy use in our house - due mainly to lazy boys who put everything in the wash basket after just one wear.   Most of the steam-generator irons we've had have started to fail around the 18 - 24 months mark - so keeping your receipt or taking out an extended warranty is a good idea.  If you buy from somewhere reputable, like John Lewis, you may only need to buy one once!   


This is the model we have - (Phillips) as I mention we've had several in the past - but this one is easily the best of any we've had.  Ultra-light and extremely powerful.



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