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General Election 2019 - Results Thread.

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7 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Don't know it. Do you have a link?


It was the ‘92 Election  presidential style triumphalist rant  ‘All right’ All right’ etc speech at the Sheffield Arena which just happened to be on a Wednesday, and, of course, he lost !

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On 13/12/2019 at 10:35, nightrider said:

Partly. A lot of labour voters also voted Tory because of Corbyn's views on foreign policy, IRA etc. Many others were repelled by labours socialist plans.


The only way forward for labour is to ditch Corbyn and momentum. Then move back to the centre ground and try again with a less socialist proposal combined with a leader who will be hard to attack via the media. They have five long years in the wilderness now to sort this out.

This was a second referendum by proxy and the people voted accordingly.  It's foolish to read anything else in to it.

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On 13/12/2019 at 19:32, Albert the Cat said:

Not my problem. The people have spoken and voted for it. So let the people have it. Do you not believe in democracy?

The people had no choice.  Labour did a massive U-turn on upholding the results of the referendum, so, in order to preserve the democratic outcome of the referendum, there was no other choice than Tory.  Thankfully, the Tories will not last long, but Brexit will.

On 13/12/2019 at 19:32, Albert the Cat said:

Not my problem. The people have spoken and voted for it. So let the people have it. Do you not believe in democracy?

Ebenezer Scrooge is back in time for Christmas.

On 15/12/2019 at 16:53, melthebell said:

Glad you noticed labour weren't a 'remain'party, some on here don't seem to have

They became a 'second referendum' party, even before implementing the first.

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17 hours ago, sheffbag said:

Kinnock??? - Just tell us Anna how much Kinnock has pocketed from the EU and his six pensions with his wife.  Good old Labour Neil with his multi-million pound gravy train from the establishment. For the people and all that. 



The Kinnocks did a lot for Vote Leave, along with Blair and Campbell.

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On 17/12/2019 at 11:12, Litotes said:

I see the £ has now lost all of its post election gains thanks to Boris potentially reintroducing a hard brexit - something that was not offered in the manifesto...


I wonder how many of his mates made a few million before he deliberately crashed the £?

Yes - it happens.  I think you're right about that.  

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17 hours ago, El Cid said:

In my role working for the local authority, that would mean less pay for the workers and a poorer service. There is a place for both private and public.

Why is that the assumption? From what I remember your job is, it might simply be buying a better minibus for less money because they know how to negotiate a deal better. The public sector hardly has a good track record for spending money wisely. Providing a 'poorer service' would be against any SLA set in the contract between the public entity (the NHS) and the private organisation.

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