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General Election 2019 - Results Thread.

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9 hours ago, Car Boot said:

What Brexit related chaos?


At least now we can Get Brexit Done and Take Back Control.


Don't worry, the sky won't fall when we Leave the EU club.

Take back control!!! From who?

Not the EU surely, we all know the aristocracy and rich run this country irrespective of whether we are in or out of the EU.

All voters for Brexit will be regretting it in the years to come, when they realise life out of the EU hasn't got any better but worse.


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Many knew it would end badly for the Remainers when they rejected the democratic wishes of 17.4million voters.


Now Remain has been utterly rejected at the ballot box. 


But I don't feel victorious, I feel a sense of sadness that it had to end like this.

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52 minutes ago, Car Boot said:


But I don't feel victorious, I feel a sense of sadness that it had to end like this.

Me too. Its like leaving the dentist with a mouth full of fillings.  


It didn't have to be this way.  If only he'd listened back in 2016:

Labour MPs pass no-confidence motion in Jeremy Corbyn


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7 hours ago, apelike said:

But without going too much off topic people need reminding that its the voters that count and not the population and this time the voters decided again.


In the meantime...  it was democracy in action where people voted for what they wanted.

Err, not quite: pro-Brexit parties (Tories, BxP, DUP) gained less of the total vote, in proportion, relative to 2nd Ref/Anti-Brexit parties (Lab, LD, SNP, Greens).


Prof. Curtice  calculated it as 48% to 52% respectively, and the irony is delicious of course.


It's more the case, that the FPTP system decided again.


So, now that Johnson has got his big majority, let's see if he can switch off the electioneering mode he's been in since getting into no.10 this summer, and try governing instead.


In the meantime, Northern voters can look forward to the consequences of governance by Cummings, Patel, Raab, (etc).





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4 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Me too. Its like leaving the dentist with a mouth full of fillings.  


It didn't have to be this way.  If only he'd listened back in 2016:

Labour MPs pass no-confidence motion in Jeremy Corbyn


It's also his supporters who would not listen. Supporters who are already today saying it's everyone else's fault except theirs. The Tories are going to have a free ride for years whilst people try to wrest the labour party back from his supporters.

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11 hours ago, Car Boot said:

This was the Brexit election.


Because we didn't Leave when we should have, more people have voted for the Tories this time.


Remainers in their twisted desire to thwart democracy have delivered Boris for another 5 years.

Yes but I bet a lot of people who were Labour voters but wanted Brexit voted for the Tories, look at Bolsover for example.

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