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Scotland And Independence.

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I have got a story about events in a far away country.

The Old Pretender and the Young Pretender are the two most powerful and loved people in the land.

One day they fall out and their relatives and friends in high places have to take sides.

Accusations of lying and cheating, legal trickery, nepotism, censorship will lead to blood on the carpet.

How will their loyal subjects respond?

How will the evil superpower next door react?

Have they not learnt from their predecessors who did the same things and our heros  defeated?


Do I send the script to Holyrood or Holywood?


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Jeanette Krankie, or Nicola Sturgeon as she goes by these days isn't bothered about Scotland post-independance, she, like Salmond before her only see one goal with regards to Scottish independance, their name in the history book as the one who "freed Scotland from English tyranny". 


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4 minutes ago, Resident said:

Jeanette Krankie, or Nicola Sturgeon as she goes by these days isn't bothered about Scotland post-independance, she, like Salmond before her only see one goal with regards to Scottish independance, their name in the history book as the one who "freed Scotland from English tyranny". 


Exactly, @Resident, and these calling for tiny country's to become 'independent' obviously don't realise they will have no influence in the world - don't the pro-EU brigade always say the UK has lost 'world influence' now we are no longer part of the monolith?

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6 hours ago, Janus said:

The government is setting up a unit to keep the UK together


Given how well the government performs then I'm sure it will be a great success

4 hours ago, RollingJ said:

Exactly, @Resident, and these calling for tiny country's to become 'independent' obviously don't realise they will have no influence in the world - don't the pro-EU brigade always say the UK has lost 'world influence' now we are no longer part of the monolith?

they probably feel they don't have a great deal of influence now.

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5 minutes ago, andyofborg said:

Given how well the government performs then I'm sure it will be a great success

they probably feel they don't have a great deal of influence now.

So they'd rather go for even less - as 'independent' countries they would be like tadpoles trying to swim the Atlantic.

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1 minute ago, RollingJ said:

So they'd rather go for even less - as 'independent' countries they would be like tadpoles trying to swim the Atlantic.

I don't know - ask them. 


It's possible that independence may give them more influence given that westminster handles external affairs

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30 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Well, as we are regularly told on here - now we are not in the EU (as the UK) we are insignificant, so what would they be - even inside it? Still minnows trying to avoid the bigger fish.

why do you care?  the prospect of our insignificance didn't seem to bother you before. are you worried that an england without scotland would diminish us even more or perhaps that an independant scotland might outsine us?

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I don't care, at least not in the way you are implying - and can you read my mind, I haven't made my views of the EU that well known on here. To be honest, I think you are just trying to stir it.  Am I not allowed to to have a different opinion to yours - I don't agree with it, but as a civil individual, I respect your right to hold it - but not to ram it down my throat as 'the only way'.

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