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Tesco Christmas Card Produced By Chinese Prisoner Slave Labour.

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You dont suppose that this could just be fake news do you? The English seems to be too good, as anyone who has eve had a manual for a Chinese product would know and it was written in a marker pen by the looks of it. A similar report from 2017 at least had Chinese writing on it and was in pencil.



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Maybe a possibility with these things.   Someone attempting reputation damage or some other form of disruption.


At least they have been swift to act by suspending and investigating.  


Either way, I bet it wont stop people happily buying their mass produced bargain basement goods whilst keeping in their selective ignorence bubble of how things get made for such little costs.

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6 hours ago, lottiecass said:

You may not be a fan of china, most people aren't but you will be buying Chinese stuff. As for prisoners working, it's done here, they work for next to nothing.

The thing is these are political prisoners, possibly incarcerated for nothing more than having an opinion which doesn't chime with the government.. So we need to be grateful for (and protect) our right to free speech.

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6 hours ago, andyofborg said:

it's not just profit, you only have to scan a few threads on here to know people moan if they have to pay more than 20p for anything. 


there is no profit, if people dont buy the product 

Fair point. 

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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

The thing is these are political prisoners, possibly incarcerated for nothing more than having an opinion which doesn't chime with the government.. So we need to be grateful for (and protect) our right to free speech.

Just like the Uighurs who have been imprisoned - which gets some news but most of the world turning a blind eye.




Sooner or later justice comes but always at a cost and in some cases, too late.

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On 22/12/2019 at 15:31, Waldo said:

Just listening to this now.




Makes you wonder about the things we buy from supermarkets, where they comes from, who is forced to make them...


Not at all keen to buy anything if someone is being exploited in the production of that thing.


Also, not a fan of China, and not at all keen to buy anything that’s produced in China.

what about british prisoners being paid peanuts to make settees and beds for the likes of argos etc?

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