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South Of Sheffield Traffic Madness

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went to the st james shopping centre sat pm,first the queue lane was big causing it to block lane to forward,also checked while there that some said it was easy to drive round ,stood on front and every car that came towards the main exit route had to go over the incoming lane to exit,also 2 cars cant pass on m&s corner,the only part it works is were theres a brick base corner that folk us to cut the turning point,this all or full set up should of been 1 way round/out

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15 minutes ago, abbeyedges said:

I thought (maybe rather hastily) that Abbeydale Road could be linked to Chesterfield Road via Abbey Lane at one end and the two roads linked via Wolsley Road at the other end. 

I'm sure it's possible. Although both, as we've already established, are major roads, two lanes in and two out has more than an air of common sense about it. Logistically it could all be planned. The NIMBY brigade would be in an uproar, of course. There's no 'bigger picture/greater good' to some people. But providing there was still room for lorries to deliver and people to park, what's the issue?  All the lights would remain to stop it turning into Le Mans. 


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On 16/02/2020 at 09:57, wearysmith said:

I would get radical with Sheffield's traffic. Make Chesterfield Road a one-way system along with Abbeydale Rd. One way into the city, the other way out. There's plenty of connecting roads for those living along either route. It'd take some getting used to, but the traffic into the city on Chesterfield Rd is ludicrous and time-consuming. Two lanes in (or out) would make far more sense.

Dont flatter yourself. Nothing radical about putting car users and their convenience above all else.


We already spend billions upon billions on just that.


Radical would be investing an equivalent amount in joined up public transport, and safe walking and cycling routes. 

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11 hours ago, bassett one said:

went to the st james shopping centre sat pm,first the queue lane was big causing it to block lane to forward,also checked while there that some said it was easy to drive round ,stood on front and every car that came towards the main exit route had to go over the incoming lane to exit,also 2 cars cant pass on m&s corner,the only part it works is were theres a brick base corner that folk us to cut the turning point,this all or full set up should of been 1 way round/out

Sorry mate but your post doesn't make sense

Edited by Daven
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12 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:


Radical would be investing an equivalent amount in joined up public transport, and safe walking and cycling routes

Bikes? Forget it. A menace, many of them. A car-user pays road tax. I'll take notice of people who use bikes when they actually contribute financially to the roads they (some recklessly) use. Some cyclists think the rules of the road aren't applicable to them. I've seen many treat traffic lights as optional. Just jump on the pavement, zip across a crossing - while there's pedestrians there! - then get back on the road at the other side.

And some just cycle on the pavement anyway. Ever been around the tram stop near the Bankers Draft? More blasted bikes on there than people.

Nipping in and about cars in an unsafe manner, then bleating if one is hit/injured. Police should nick them and confiscate their bicycles. And fine them. "safe walking"? Chance would be a fine thing with them around. Open your eyes chum. Take a good long impartial look at the cycling community. Yes, some car drivers are rubbish too but a lot of cyclists need bringing to heel as well.

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57 minutes ago, wearysmith said:

Bikes? Forget it. A menace, many of them. A car-user pays road tax. I'll take notice of people who use bikes when they actually contribute financially to the roads they (some recklessly) use. Some cyclists think the rules of the road aren't applicable to them. I've seen many treat traffic lights as optional. Just jump on the pavement, zip across a crossing - while there's pedestrians there! - then get back on the road at the other side.

And some just cycle on the pavement anyway. Ever been around the tram stop near the Bankers Draft? More blasted bikes on there than people.

Nipping in and about cars in an unsafe manner, then bleating if one is hit/injured. Police should nick them and confiscate their bicycles. And fine them. "safe walking"? Chance would be a fine thing with them around. Open your eyes chum. Take a good long impartial look at the cycling community. Yes, some car drivers are rubbish too but a lot of cyclists need bringing to heel as well.

Road tax is just a tax. It goes into the general taxation pot and is not specifically used to fund roads. Paying it just entitles you not to be prosecuted for non payment. That’s it.


Many cyclists own a motor vehicle too, so they pay the same taxes as you.


All categories of road users are human, so some of us push our luck and bend the rules. Cyclists are no different to motorists in this respect.


You had better get used to there being more cyclists because there’s a lot of government funding going into making it easier and safer to cycle and walk. The government recognise that if we are going to meet the targets for climate change and emissions reduction, we need people to get out of their cars to walk and cycle more. 

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3 hours ago, wearysmith said:

Bikes? Forget it. A menace, many of them. A car-user pays road tax. I'll take notice of people who use bikes when they actually contribute financially to the roads they (some recklessly) use. Some cyclists think the rules of the road aren't applicable to them. I've seen many treat traffic lights as optional. Just jump on the pavement, zip across a crossing - while there's pedestrians there! - then get back on the road at the other side.

And some just cycle on the pavement anyway. Ever been around the tram stop near the Bankers Draft? More blasted bikes on there than people.

Nipping in and about cars in an unsafe manner, then bleating if one is hit/injured. Police should nick them and confiscate their bicycles. And fine them. "safe walking"? Chance would be a fine thing with them around. Open your eyes chum. Take a good long impartial look at the cycling community. Yes, some car drivers are rubbish too but a lot of cyclists need bringing to heel as well.

Yawn. 1/10.


By the way, I'm not your chum. I choose my friends more wisely.

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15 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

Yawn. 1/10.


By the way, I'm not your chum. I choose my friends more wisely.

Then by your reasoning you warrant a zero due to your closed mind? Clearly, you're no one I'd wish to socialise with either.


Moving on.

Edited by wearysmith
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