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Northen Rail To Lose Franchise

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Northern Customer Service is pretty poor.


In November, travelling home from my son's on a Sunday, the unmanned station noticeboard showed my train cancelled.  The next one,  an hour later was also cancelled.  That meant I couldn't get my connection from Stockport to Sheffield.  Fortunately, I was able to contact my son to pick me up, and stayed another night.


Obviously I had to buy new tickets the following day, and as they weren't pre-booked, they were more expensive.  I filled in the claim form on 13 November.   Northern sent me a letter on 6th January, with a couple of vouchers for £6, and a 'complimentary' return voucher.  I don't know where I can travel on the return voucher, it wasn't in the envelope!  Emailed them back on Jan 13th, ringing is a waste of time, not heard back yet. 

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On 09/01/2020 at 16:57, Iron Melter said:

It's strange how the topic of trackwork and connected support services all run by National Rail never appears in these stories.  For the record National Rail has one of the biggest failure rates in fulfilling its responsibilities.

Before folks jump in, National Rail is and has always been a nationalised organisation.

The main cause of failure is poor management across the industry and meddling by London based politicians and civil servants.

National Rail is a trade association.

Network Rail is in the public sector (nationalizes?) And owns and runs the trackwork and infrastructure and has a £50 billion debt.

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My wife and I traveled to York from Sheffield by Northern Rail this week on a Pacer Train. Can’t fault the staff they were very helpful getting me on and off but these trains should have been scrapped years ago. At least they were on time but overcrowded from York.

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