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Should Mobile Phones Be Used In Petrol Stations?

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I was told during a fire safety course that the rational was more around the potential for static electricity being generated by taking the phone out of your pocket and how that could 'potentially' ignite fuel vapours.


But with most fuel stations offering pay at the pump these days people are always taking wallets/phones/cards out of their pockets it must have been deemed extremely low risk.

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On 10/01/2020 at 20:57, Arthur Ritus said:

search for mythbusters on this one, they tried many attempts to ignite a petroleum vapour atmosphere with mobile phones with no success, however they did get an ignition from some nylon clothing   :nod:.

However when it comes to health and safety most organisations don't let facts get in the way of rules.:nod:  


i can now see all customers being asked to remove any synthetic clothing before filling with petrol :lol:

Top Gear did it too. They soaked the insides of a caravan in several litres of petrol, chucked in a couple hundred mobiles and called them all simultaneously. Nothing happened.

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On 15/01/2020 at 11:48, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Similarly re mobile telephones in hospitals- they used to be banned too.

This has / had a rational reason though the same as on planes..

the frequencies they used to use, could interfere with some electronics... like how they used to cause a buzzing/beeping through some speakers if they were too close to a radio, and someone called you...

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