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Friend Worried About This Operation.

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My best friend who I’ve known for years has confided in me that she is worried about a minor operation that she is to have this year. It’s an umbilical hernia repair. She has not been for the consultation yet, but phoned me last night as she had seen on the tv news that people who have had this hernia repair have had trouble afterwards with the mesh that is used to repair it with. Apparently it can break up or harden in the body causing pain and difficulties. 
She can of course turn the operation down but her hernia may get worse. She knows I was a nurse so is asking my advice. As I know nothing about this op. I’m wondering if anyone on SF has had this or any kind of hernia repair ? 
I would be glad of your comments about this as the I can pass them on to her.

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If it is the same mesh they have used for women in gynae ops then yes there can be problems unless they are using 'new improved' mesh but I have not heard that they are. Someone I know had this used in a bladder prolapse op which failed after 2 yrs. My son had a double hernia repair (groin and higher up)  and that has caused him some problems with pain and lumpiness.  

Ask the question, would be my advice. 

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1 hour ago, gene said:

If it is the same mesh they have used for women in gynae ops then yes there can be problems unless they are using 'new improved' mesh but I have not heard that they are. Someone I know had this used in a bladder prolapse op which failed after 2 yrs. My son had a double hernia repair (groin and higher up)  and that has caused him some problems with pain and lumpiness.  

Ask the question, would be my advice. 

Thanks gene, that’s very helpful.

43 minutes ago, Janus said:

Having all the questions and concerns  wrote down at the consultation would be  a good idea.

Is this article  of any help?


Thank you Janus I shall look the link up.

26 minutes ago, charliewag said:

I had the same operation three years ago and have had no issues whatsoever. After returning to work I had to take it easy at first with regards to manual lifting but now it's not a problem.

Strange isn’t it that you’ve had no problems ? 

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As with all medical matters - speak to the doctor or surgeon who will be dealing with your care.

Don't listen to colleagues, neighbours or friends as every case is different.

There won't be a question that they haven't been asked before and they will be happy to explain everything to you - including the risks so they can obtain informed consent.

As has been suggested, make a list of everything you want to ask before the consultation.

Good luck.

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This was last updated a year ago, but may be of interest to your friend....




If your friend googles "surgical mesh implants - parliament uk' a more recent pdf is available - section 8 is the part of interest to your friend.


As others have said though, no amount of googling will replace a frank chat with your surgeon.




Edited by Lex Luthor
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