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Bar staff in sheffield


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I cant be arsed to read most of the crap that has been posted on this subject, cause its as its stated its crap.


Ive been working in the license industry ever since i was a kid, though i dont work init any more due to it not paying to well.

A few points first and this goes out to all the cocky little **** heads that have posted.


1:If you turned round to me and said im next, your instant reply is you get served when i get to you and not a minute sooner.


2:You get arsey with me about not getting served quick enough, you goto the back of the que simple as.


3:You say summat about me to your mates(and yes most of us can lip read), you will ether not get served or get put donw so badly your mates will laugh at you for long time.


4:If your a cocky bleeder and demand then your never gonna get served and you will find yourself being thrown out head first by the door staff.


No offence most of the people that work behind a bar are doing to make ends meet, we ar not there for your pleasure so please dont treat us like ****. We work damn hard when we are behind that bar so please remember when your talking to us like ****, you are hurting our feelings and dont think cause ur spending money in that bar it gives u automatic right to get served cause it doesnt.


The most of you that i have seen on a night out while ive been working behind a bar in sheffield have made me laugh, for the simple reason none of you can handle your drink and think your superman/woman.


We are trying to do a job, just like the rest of you right. But how would you like it if we came into your work place and gave you grief, you wouldnt be happy at all would you. You can come out with as many smart alick remarks you want, but i can garuntee this now. For everyone you come out with we can come out with 5 better.


So bare in mind next time you are stood at a bar and its full, the fact that we do try and serve people as quick as we can. But when uve been on your feet all night and not had chance to sit down cause uve been busy, we will be arsey.


Originally Posted by AnnElk

bar staff in general are the people who were so thick they failed the interview at mcdonalds


You taking the **** or what.


I have 10 GCSE's

I have 5 A levels

I also have a 1 1 in computer science


but not only them, im a qaulified hydraulic engineer as well as a trained chef. So are you calling me thick.

Oh and im only 25.

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I cant be arsed to read most of the crap that has been posted on this subject, cause its as its stated its crap.


Ive been working in the license industry ever since i was a kid, though i dont work init any more due to it not paying to well.

A few points first and this goes out to all the cocky little **** heads that have posted.


1:If you turned round to me and said im next, your instant reply is you get served when i get to you and not a minute sooner.


2:You get arsey with me about not getting served quick enough, you goto the back of the que simple as.


3:You say summat about me to your mates(and yes most of us can lip read), you will ether not get served or get put donw so badly your mates will laugh at you for long time.


4:If your a cocky bleeder and demand then your never gonna get served and you will find yourself being thrown out head first by the door staff.


No offence most of the people that work behind a bar are doing to make ends meet, we ar not there for your pleasure so please dont treat us like ****. We work damn hard when we are behind that bar so please remember when your talking to us like ****, you are hurting our feelings and dont think cause ur spending money in that bar it gives u automatic right to get served cause it doesnt.


The most of you that i have seen on a night out while ive been working behind a bar in sheffield have made me laugh, for the simple reason none of you can handle your drink and think your superman/woman.


We are trying to do a job, just like the rest of you right. But how would you like it if we came into your work place and gave you grief, you wouldnt be happy at all would you. You can come out with as many smart alick remarks you want, but i can garuntee this now. For everyone you come out with we can come out with 5 better.


So bare in mind next time you are stood at a bar and its full, the fact that we do try and serve people as quick as we can. But when uve been on your feet all night and not had chance to sit down cause uve been busy, we will be arsey.




You taking the **** or what.


I have 10 GCSE's

I have 5 A levels

I also have a 1 1 in computer science


but not only them, im a qaulified hydraulic engineer as well as a trained chef. So are you calling me thick.

Oh and im only 25.



Nice post :thumbsup:


But sort the spelling out, some people might think your thick;)

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There was a very nice young man in Bia Hoi, dont think he works there now tho :( the white russians they make there are amazing but unfortunately Ive found out I have a huge lactose intolerance and cant have milk and he promised he'd make me a white russian if I brought in some magic milk (now dont be rude) that I could drink. I thought that was good of him cos most probably wouldnt!!!!

Will have to sweet talk some other bar staff person into making me a dairy free white russian now!!!!!

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Bartending is a very rewarding job if you can keep your wits about you, but that can be hard to do if faced with punters who are simply rude. Manners go a long way with bartenders and best of all, they are free and something we were taught when we were young. Shouting, tapping, waving money, whistling, huffing and puffing and leaning right over the bar are not ways of getting you served quickly. Also, if you choose to stand at the end of the bar where the entrance is (hatch whore) don't be continuously surprised that the staff will continuously be asking you if they can get past. If you are in the way, why not try moving - it's less hassle for everyone. Contrary to what is said one customer doe not pay that bar staffs wages so that one is best left inside the head.

Try to order drinks in a sensible way:

Pints of Guinness are best asked for first.

If you are ordering many drinks, don't do it one at a time as some staff can make 3 or 4 drinks at a time

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Cant be bothered to read all the posts. However from a couple of the posts i feel that the general concensus is that bar staff are either too thick to have another job or just in it for the money and dont care.

I would like to object to both of these. The money is the main attraction for me, however i do as good a job as anyone else i have seen so far. Also the people saying that bartenders are too thick to do anything else should be quiet, I am sure they are setting the world alight with their acedemic talents, however we can't all be expected to do this.


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some staff are shocking, the bankers draft in town have recently employed 2 male students, i was a regular until they were employed i found them to be rude and thicker than the wall of a castle, stopped visiting that pub now, ill probably go again but if i see either of said staff ill leave, i brought that pub at least £150 a week in custom using it as my local and a meeting place.

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