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Bar staff in sheffield


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Now that really gets me sometimes; when people will say something like "double vodka and coke, and a diet coke" expecting you to put vodka in the diet coke. The sensible people say "I'll have two double vodka's, one with coke, one with diet coke".


Also it gets me when people order the wrong thing. Maybe they aren't aware but even if someone asks for a coke and you give them pepsi then you can be fined a lot of money (so I was told). Thus when you serve WKD, why do people ask for VK.


Oh and in particular with WKD, it annoys me when people put the empty bottle down and say "I'll have the same again" and cover the label, seeing as they all look the same. Or when they ask for a "WKD Original" when they're all branded as such.


I know these actually sound like they reinforce the view that bar staff are thick and sometimes people do it without realising but when you're working a busy bar it's little things like that that slow people down.

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i brought that pub at least £150 a week in custom using it as my local and a meeting place.


Yawn. Its always the customers who come out with things like this that we are glad to see the back of. Believe me they wont miss you, respect is more important than money.

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what do you think of the bar staff in sheffield?

i was in a pub waiting for ages to be served and because i said am next the bar man made me wait longer he was horrible, and he short changed me.:mad:




Did you point out you'd been short changed and get your money back?



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there is no place to hide when you run or work in a venue where people expect a high standard of service and standards, you have to be ontop of your game every single day or you lose customers, its as simple as that!!




God, that makes me wanna get back into pubs/bars!!

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I dont mind the order in which people are served so long as they do not keep serving the place where clearly someone has vacated.I often let people get served before me if they were there first but thank you from anyone especially girls is a novelty

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I certainly don't envy the job barstaff do,especially at this time of year.....a bar full of drunken blokes screaming at you....not for me thanks.


Have noticed some bars just don't have enough staff full stop,went in lloyds,two staff on?......whats that all about? :loopy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The narky customers are why I love working behind the bar, and don't envy people who work in the restaurant. Behind the bar, you have to put up with a customer for about 30 seconds. In the restaurant you have to wait on them for an hour and a half!


You can get away with a lot behind the bar if you try. Be cheeky, be gobby, but do it with a cheeky smile =)

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Yawn. Its always the customers who come out with things like this that we are glad to see the back of. Believe me they wont miss you, respect is more important than money.

well i know now not to visit the rising sun, having never been there (assuming you work there because of your sig) you don't know what type of customer i am. regards respect, id say selling alcohol is equivalent to pushing cannabis in a job sense, a lot less respectable than being a nurse/firefighter/cleaner for that matter IMO.

You're telling me you would rather have 1 respectful customer and for your pub to go bust, than to respect your punters and get the money in. I hope you dont work with the public.

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Oh and in particular with WKD, it annoys me when people put the empty bottle down and say "I'll have the same again" and cover the label, seeing as they all look the same. Or when they ask for a "WKD Original" when they're all branded as such. I know these actually sound like they reinforce the view that bar staff are thick and sometimes people do it without realising but when you're working a busy bar it's little things like that that slow people down.


That is SO anooying I know....I hate it when people ask for WKD and dont specify what colour they want, they expect you to know, and when they cant decide and say "any one", they then decide they want a blue one!!!


Or, as on mad friday before Xmas, group of 24 pub crawling guys order 24 bottles of Budweiser, and then after opening the 19th bottle for them, then ask if its OK to change them all to Becks, and make so much noise and fuss when refused as there is now 19 open bottles of Bud on the bar.....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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