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Bar staff in sheffield


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My perfect Saturday night shift is when there's some grotty middle aged man leering at you while the stereotypical upper management CEO lady is waving her platinum card demanding being served first, while the chav idiots are trying to get in, and the ones old enough to drink are throwing up at the doorstep. I especially favour the soul destroying chauvanism when guys scowl at me because I don't thank them for throwing their crumpled fiver at me while I'm obviously serving somebody else, and the perfect end to a fab shift is having some s**t throw his bottle of beer at me because the pub respects liscensing laws and the group refused to move past closing time.


I also love the fact that when this stuff isn't happening, I'm 99.9% genuinely nice and chatty, for the near minumum wage I earn, because I actually give a damn about customer service....


Spare a thought for the bar staff then people! Money is money and having a job is far better than scrounging off the state, regardless of what it is!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thing that winds me up when workin on a nice busy bar when some idiot orders there drink then walks off to find out what his/hers mates want, then wait for another friend to come from toilet to see what they want...then they sit and count all the shrapnel out when during all this time u could of served another 4 people x

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