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Bar staff in sheffield


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I worked in a bar for about a year and a half and quit in the end because i couldn't stand the rudeness anymore. When your asked "you fu**ing serving or what?" fourteen times in one night it does tend to get your morale down.


Sounds like your bar was crap!! Either that or you were:hihi: (only kiddin)..


People in the pub I work are mostly sound.. and those that aren't don't last long because we all bite back!! One called me a f***ing dozy cow... but was a little taken aback when I snapped at him:rant: :D

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ive worked on bars in a few holiday parks and used to get abuse from people demanding to be served next often when there was someone else who'd been waiting longer. I would always serve the person who id seen waiting the longest despite who was shouting at me. some of the other girls would jus take 'tips' out of their money if they were being rude which i dont think is right no matter how much of an ar$$ they are being. The worst thing though is either people smoking cigars at the bar, drunkenly letching at you (thinking they are the first idiot to hit on you that night and that you're in some way flattered by the drooling on the bar) or grabbing your ar$$ while your collecting glasses knowing there's not much you can do about it with your hands full. When the staff have to put up with idiots like this all night its no wonder that some get a bit pi$$ed off with the customers making demands, especially when its really busy.

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ive worked on bars in a few holiday parks and used to get abuse from people demanding to be served next often when there was someone else who'd been waiting longer. I would always serve the person who id seen waiting the longest despite who was shouting at me. some of the other girls would jus take 'tips' out of their money if they were being rude which i dont think is right no matter how much of an ar$$ they are being. The worst thing though is either people smoking cigars at the bar, drunkenly letching at you (thinking they are the first idiot to hit on you that night and that you're in some way flattered by the drooling on the bar) or grabbing your ar$$ while your collecting glasses knowing there's not much you can do about it with your hands full. When the staff have to put up with idiots like this all night its no wonder that some get a bit pi$$ed off with the customers making demands, especially when its really busy.


Where the hell were these bars?! :o:wow:

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let me stick up for bar staff here what do they think of customers ? well to be honest u can have some very arrogant people u think youre the dog and can talk to u how u want i work with students and to be honest there a lot nicer than the typical old mans pub i used to work in the reason bar staff like me make u wait is that u cant always see who comes to the bar first patience is a virtue . the england match last week was hectic but we do try our best

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I find that making eye contact and smiling normally gets you served in your turn. Although occasionally the staff are rubbish and somehow manage to leave you waiting for ages. That's a cue to go and spend your money elsewhere I've always thought.

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Getting served when I go out is probably the most annoying parts of my night out. One big tip I've learnt is not to rush for the bar / the most obvious places and to pick your position at the bar very carefully rather than resort to guerilla/brute force tactics! (Ie. Pushing, shoving, staring, peacocking, shouting, moaning etc etc). Try to spot the barflow from the front door and do the opposite (often this may seem like a stupid idea; picking the area furthurest away), look out for bottlenecks and try to pick area's where people add to the Q from only one direction... ;) Failing that... jump up and down and try to spot the fastest bartender :hihi:

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ive found that a bit of common courtesy goes a long way.


when im at the bar and the person next to me was first- i say. then that person will 99% of the time say 'shes next' and i get served next.


when that doesnt happen i find it very rude on the part of the punter and the barstaff- but it happens very rarely.


NEVER wave money at barstaff, its rude and the equivalent of whistling and saying heel to a dog.

just hold your wallet/purse in your hand- its obvious why youre at the bar, waving a £20 isnt going to get you served any quicker.


smile at the staff, it doesnt go unnoticed. the only thing worse that miserable bar staff is miserable punters- why would you smile if you were faced with a sea of scowling faces.


for gods sake, say please and thank you- theres no excuse for barking drinks orders at people who are enabling you to have a good night. show that you appreciate their being there, you wouldnt get a drink if they werent.


there we have it, sophie top 4 tips to getting served.



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