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Bar staff in sheffield


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Aww I'm actually jealous.. (about the Sash! thing.. not workin at Butlins in SKEGNESS??!!:loopy:) :hihi:


yeah was really good - id have actually paid to go on that weekend had i not been working! As for workin there was too bad except for not gettin home til 8am! also got a lot of cheesy chat-up lines at the bar but was more worried about the strange lad workin with me who kept suggestin i stay in his caravan despite tellin him several times not interested - he was a proper weirdo tho! :loopy:


They had a few other well known groups etc on too and ali g also. Used to be really into Sash! tho (still have all the cd's :D ) i wonder what happened to him?

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yeah was really good - id have actually paid to go on that weekend had i not been working! They had a few other well known groups etc on too and ali g also. Used to be really into Sash! tho (still have all the cd's :D ) i wonder what happened to him?


He'll turn up at Sheffield student's union in 5 yrs time for his en core un foir (sp?!) n everyone will cringe... just like 2 unlimited did last year.. only the woman turned up and tried singin songs other than no limit!! who did she think she was?! We just chanted 'no no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit' through all of it:hihi: !!

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He'll turn up at Sheffield student's union in 5 yrs time for his en core un foir (sp?!) n everyone will cringe... just like 2 unlimited did last year.. only the woman turned up and tried singin songs other than no limit!! who did she think she was?! We just chanted 'no no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit' through all of it:hihi: !!


:hihi: :hihi:


unfortunately in 5 years ill have left uni tho :( ah well

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In defence, bar staff are well within their rights to react appropriately to rude customers, the same way they would in any other job. If you stand at a busy bar, waving your hand to attract attention, waving your money or shouting 'i'm next' when you're actually not, you are likely to be put to the back of the queue for being an idiot. People who forget to say 'please' and 'thanks you' are also likely to be on the receiving end of bad service.


Even if you think a bar tender is unecessarily ignoring you or being rude, then just grin and bear it for the immediate time being as remember, they're serving you a drink which they could quite easily do something gross too. Then make a complaint to management - don't harrass bar staff directly as management is likely to side with them than an (albeit slightly) intoxicated punter!!! :-)

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I think it's too easy to generalise about bar staff because it really does depend on the person.


A few years ago I had the misfortune to work for a big nightclub in Shef, being paid a pitiful £3.50 an hour to work stupidly long hours with virtually no breaks. (11 hour shift with 2 ten min breaks?! Surely illegal!) However, I was always polite to even the rudest of customers, and served my area in a linear order returning to the beginning once i'd reached the end so no one had to wait longer than anyone else. I did my best, cos I'm a nice person. The fact that i was a bar person was not the determining factor. If anything, the other staff there were more interested in ripping off the company that ran it, not the punters!


Needless to say, it was the ****tiest job I've ever had... spare a thought for the poor ******** who have to put up with the loud lairy crowds... we're just people too!

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A few years ago I had the misfortune to work for a big nightclub in Shef, being paid a pitiful £3.50 an hour to work stupidly long hours with virtually no breaks. (11 hour shift with 2 ten min breaks?! Surely illegal!) However, I was always polite to even the rudest of customers, and served my area in a linear order returning to the beginning once i'd reached the end so no one had to wait longer than anyone else. I did my best, cos I'm a nice person. The fact that i was a bar person was not the determining factor. If anything, the other staff there were more interested in ripping off the company that ran it, not the punters!


Lol, was that the Leadmill?!? I use to work there as well, didn't mind the long shifts mind. I use to work at Cutlers Hall beforehand and once worked 47 hours in just over three and a half days. I started hallucinating due to sleep deprevation at the end of it, and all for a measley £2.80 per hour!

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