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Bar staff in sheffield


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bar staff in general are the people who were so thick they failed the interview at mcdonalds


I have to say that i find this TOTALLY offensive, i started off as a member of staff in a local pub and decided i liked it, i enjoyed the cusomer service eliment, the conversation with the customer and delivering a high stanard every single day i turn up to work. since then i have worked my way up, through nightclubs to support myself through my university studies, and on to open two of the best venues in sheffield (crystal and Ivory) and to be honest, there is no place to hide when you run or work in a venue where people expect a high standard of service and standards, you have to be ontop of your game every single day or you lose customers, its as simple as that!!


I digress, back to my point, i have achieved this and am very proud of my achievements but would still consider myself a bartender, and i am very proud of it!

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I think it must be VERY hard work in a busy nightclub to keep track of what customers were at the bar before anyone else, as the crowd at the front of the bar are going to be moving all the time, shifting positions, some leaving, some arriving, etc. Plus having to serve drinks, take money, remember exact orders for large rounds, etc, when under pressure to serve customers as fast as humanely possible, its not always going to be possible to remember who was in the "queue" at the bar as there is no queue at bars like bus stops, its random chaos!!!!



Well when I worked in a busy pub on ecclesall road I was always able to know who was first and on the few occassions I did get it wrong someone would say 'they were before me' and I would apologise and serve them.


The night in question at Plug was not even busy, it was late in the night and most people were just drinking water (if you know what I mean) so the bar in the second room was dead apart from me and four other people. All these people got served then when I thought it was my turn the 'bar staff' started serving people who just kept walking up to the bar. After 15 minutes of this sh*t I politely said to the bar man 'excuse me but i've been waiting for 20 minutes and people keeep getting served in front of me'.

He decided to rudely tell me I hadn't been waiting and that he had just seen me walk to the bar that minute! SO I told him to stick his drinks up his arse.

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I have to say that i find this TOTALLY offensive

I have been following this thread with interest for a while and finally registered to say thank you for sticking up for us! Now granted I've seen some awful bar staff in my time, but never anyone who's not tried their very best.


I was working a club on Saturday night and we were understaffed. The bar I was on was set apart from the main bar so no glasswasher, no access to change, etc. and it is sometimes hard not to get a bit stressed out when you can see your supply of glasses running low. I served roughly 100 different customers and the bar was rammed full so I'm glad it's been pointed out that sometimes it's not a case of just serving who's next because people are always moving and saying "I'm next".


But I must add, for all the customers that will surely respond saying it's because we are slow, stupid, etc. One thing that REALLY grates is when you're serving someone and they turn around to have a conversation with someone else or snog someone's face off so you're stood there waiting for money, waiting with a drink, waiting to give change and you get completely ignored.

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oh and also bar staff have to put up with so much stick in one night its unbelievable. i have a lot of friends who are barstaff however the worst stories come from a fellow scouse friend of mine who used to work in banus nightclub in town, the stories she used to tell me about how rude and aggressive the customers could be sounded horrendous and put me off even applying for a bar job. she now works in the washington pub however and says she would never go back to working in a club. pubs never get as busy and u dont get the drunken idiots shouting at the bar if theyr not served quick enough.

i think it must be a hard job and would never slate them.

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I work in a pub and there are a few things i wish people would not do;

Ask "Are you serving?" - it always sounds sarcastic

Shout orders out to me from the other end of the bar

Block the entrance of the bar off and then look put out when you have to squeeze past them.

Whistling is the worst - I am not a dog!


I have to point out that I am not stupid, I am in fact quite intelligent


2wentypence - have you ever actually worked in a bar? - if you turn around for 1 second its easy to lose track of who is next.

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EmilyM, I agree with you totally. With alcohol consumption there appears to come a distinct lack of manners in most people. If anyone treats me or my staff with anything less than the respect we deserve then they are automatically put back in the serving order unless the behaviour is so unacceptable that we refuse service totally.


Its amazing how quickly people find manners once they realise you have a say in how and if they are served and that you are not their personal slave.


Remember: Any memeber of barstaff in any licensed premises has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason and that reason does not even have to be supplied to the customer concerned.

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there is no place to hide when you run or work in a venue where people expect a high standard of service and standards, you have to be ontop of your game every single day or you lose customers, its as simple as that


I like the way you've put that! I like to think I do decent work, and I do get abit miffed when people talk to you like you work in Wetherspoons. As for customers being rude, haha, why do a tiny minority think by going "Oi!!" and shouting and waving, swearing and screaming at you, that you'll serve them faster...

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I'd like to point out to everyone who complains about waiting 20 mins or even more, the fact is most customers are really drunk and if they have to wait more than a minute to get served they cause a fuss. Unless you've worked as bar staff you wouldn't appreciate a club rammed full of drunken people all with the same claim. it's usually these people when served, order each drink individually. When you start thinking they can't even more of a tool they stand counting their change at the bar only to discover they don't have enough change so they pay you in a note. GRRR! Don't do it.

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Yeah you get a lot of **** working as bar staff, you have to deal with some really bad situations sometimes! And it's not easy when you are a girl.


I have to say though, it was a fun job :) I generally think bar staff in sheffield are good. Nothing nicer than being served with a smile. I think a lot of the problems are due to them being obviously understaffed

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