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Another Reported Terrorist Attack In London

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9 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

If the Cameron government hadn’t repealed Blunkett’s IPP law, then it would still be possible to imprison terrorists indefinitely.


Another example of Tory cost cutting putting the public in danger.

In 2012 the IPP sentence for new cases was abolished by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act, although over 6,000 prison inmates remained imprisoned for public protection; over 4,600 remained as of June 2015, and over 3,000 remained as of 2017. Three-quarters of them had completed their minimum term, and hundreds had served five times the minimum. The government's policy was that IPP prisoners should remain in prison until it is deemed that the risks they pose if released are manageable. Some of the alleged victims of John Worboys whose cases were not taken up by the Crown Prosecution Service were assured that the IPP sentence in effect meant a life sentence.

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16 hours ago, Resident said:

Off the mortal coil like police did with this one?

If they are in the middle of a terror act and not surrendering to police, sure.


But then, that wasn't frigate's contention, was it?


He was on about thought crimes, not terror acts (as you well know if you read the thread).


So, execution for thought crimes, is your solution. Nice society, that.


Any advances on that? Anyone?

Edited by L00b
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14 hours ago, Pettytom said:

It will take a better man than me to truly open your blinkered eyes, but let’s try to make a start.


If the Cameron government hadn’t repealed Blunkett’s IPP law, then it would still be possible to imprison terrorists indefinitely.


Another example of Tory cost cutting putting the public in danger.



"In 2012, the sentence was abolished under the Coalition government thanks to a European Court ruling that claimed it violated human rights."

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32 minutes ago, retep said:

"In 2012, the sentence was abolished under the Coalition government thanks to a European Court ruling that claimed it violated human rights."

Amman, the terrorist in question, grew up and was radicalised in the UK governed by Johnson's party.


Amman was convicted and sentenced under legislation in force  in the UK governed by Johnson's party.


Amman was imprisoned and 'rehabilitated' in prisons, the budget of which was cut by 40%  in the UK governed by Johnson's party.


By yeah, let's blame the ECHR :rolleyes:


By the way: should the UK do *anything* towards repealing the relevance and jurisdiction of the ECHR, and the EU27 shall immediately halt any and all judiciary cooperation with the UK without any notice. That's in black and white in the WA (which Johnson signed willingly, lest people forget). You can take that as blackmail (or whatever else tbh)  if you wish, doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the outcomes (no more terror suspects info, no more extradition warrants, no more <etc>).

Edited by L00b
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24 minutes ago, L00b said:

Amman, the terrorist in question, grew up and was radicalised in the UK governed by Johnson's party.


Amman was convicted and sentenced under legislation in force  in the UK governed by Johnson's party.


Amman was imprisoned and 'rehabilitated' in prisons, the budget of which was cut by 40%  in the UK governed by Johnson's party.


By yeah, let's blame the ECHR :rolleyes:


By the way: should the UK do *anything* towards repealing the relevance and jurisdiction of the ECHR, and the EU27 shall immediately halt any and all judiciary cooperation with the UK without any notice. That's in black and white in the WA (which Johnson signed willingly, lest people forget). You can take that as blackmail (or whatever else tbh)  if you wish, doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the outcomes (no more terror suspects info, no more extradition warrants, no more <etc>).

Why not lay blame where it belongs?



We'll see how Boris and government copes with that.

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5 hours ago, West 77 said:

Political point scoring is not helpful. You can't honestly believe things would be any better and the public any safer if Labour had been in power during the last ten years. The terrorist responsible for the latest incident was only given a three year prison sentence and would have been released too soon anyway even if he had served his full sentence. It's the first time since the 80's that the Tories have had a good working majority. Radical changes are needed to address the terrorist problem. Laws need to be introduced to enable all individuals convicted of terrorist offences to be given indefinite prison sentences. I hope the Tory Government use their big majority to make radical changes. We need to have a serious discussion about bringing back the death sentence for the most extreme terrorists found guilty in a court of law. China has shown how quickly things can be done by building a thousand bed hospital in just ten days. We need to build more prisons to keep convicted terrorists locked up and the public safer. It's ridiculous that twenty police officers are needed to monitor a released terrorist. 

This absolutely is a party political issue.


Ten years of unbroken Tory government has led to underfunded public services. In turn, that is now putting the public at risk.


We did have a law that allowed terrorists to be detained indefinitely, a Tory government repealed it, because we didn’t have the prison capacity.


I do agree that the sentence that Amman received was surprisingly short. And releasing him to put him under surveillance seems bonkers.


Anyway, Boris has best use his stonking majority to invest properly in public services, or things will only get worse.

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6 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Your anti-Tory rhetoric is embarrassing yourself and making you look a un credible biased anti-Tory poster. The facts are the current Tory Government is entirely different from the Tory-led coalition Government which took power in 2010. Since 2010 the Tory party has changed leadership twice and changed direction twice. The Labour Party has changed leadership twice since 2010 and changed direction on both occasions making them a less credible opposition party to the ruling Tory party. You need to grow up and have a reality check rather than continue to post anti-Tory rhetoric. The truth is that in December 2019 the Tory party was the only credible political party led by Mr Johnson who the public trusted to rule the country competently with the difficult challenges ahead.

But it's still the Tories that are in power, nobody else. Give your head a wobble

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11 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Your anti-Tory rhetoric is embarrassing yourself and making you look a un credible biased anti-Tory poster. The facts are the current Tory Government is entirely different from the Tory-led coalition Government which took power in 2010. Since 2010 the Tory party has changed leadership twice and changed direction twice. The Labour Party has changed leadership twice since 2010 and changed direction on both occasions making them a less credible opposition party to the ruling Tory party. You need to grow up and have a reality check rather than continue to post anti-Tory rhetoric. The truth is that in December 2019 the Tory party was the only credible political party led by Mr Johnson who the public trusted to rule the country competently with the difficult challenges ahead.

You should volunteer to help with the prison building. You could advise on the mechanisms that hold the doors closed.


This is a mess entirely made by Tory austerity. It turns out that cutting the police and prison service resources, puts us all at risk.


Fancy that.

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1 minute ago, West 77 said:

The 2010 Government  was a coalition led by the Tories relying on the support of the Lib Dems.  The 2015 Tory Government had a small majority and our country's membership of the EU dominated their policy. The 2017 Tory led Government didn't have majority and relied on the support of the DUP to stay in power. I don't need to give my head a wobble because I understand that it is only after the result of the December  2019 General Election the Tory power has had real power to Govern our country properly and it is too early to judge them fairly on their achievements.

excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses


THE TORIES have been in power for 33 of the past 43 years, so if theres a lack of spending, its mainly down to the tories, it doesnt take einstein to suss that one out.

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