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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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26 minutes ago, Magilla said:

How can the UK protect it's IM, if goods are allowed to flow in freely from another market unchecked?


How does the UK square having no border/customs with WTO MFN rules?

Who is going to impose a hard border on Ireland?


Certainly not the British. They are the very last nation on earth that could erect a hard border on Ireland.


So who is going to do it? The Irish Republic, puppets of their EU masters?

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2 minutes ago, West 77 said:

You've hit the nail on the head. The British Government have made it perfectly clear they will break international law rather than impose a hard border. Trying to reason with these Remainers is like banging your head against a brick war.

What is the alternative?

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5 minutes ago, West 77 said:


The alternative is to not to try to reason with Remainers and ignore them, then you don't get a headache from hitting your head against a brick wall.

You could have just been honest and said that there is no viable alternative .



Edited by Pettytom
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15 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The clue is in the name, the Internal Market bill is there to protect the internal UK market such as keeping the flow of goods and food flowing smoothly between the UK mainland and Northern Ireland.

The alternative is to not to try to reason with Remainers and ignore them, then you don't get a headache from hitting your head against a brick wall.

So i get a mate in Dublin to import stuff to Europe, drive over the non existant border and send me stuff tariff free.



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8 minutes ago, West 77 said:



I'm at a loss. I gave you a honest reply. There will not be a harder border put in place by the British Government anywhere in Northern Ireland regardless of the outcome of the trade negotiations between the UK and EU.

I can see that you are at a loss. That much is obvious 

How do we have an open border between the EU and the U.K.? 

What needs to happen in the next few weeks to make that possible? In my view, causing a hard border to be necessary is exactly the same as actually erecting one.

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23 minutes ago, West 77 said:

You've lost the plot. Erecting or building the infrastructure for a harder border will breach the Good Friday agreement. The UK Government have no intentions of making any changes to the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. The reality is there will still be an open border between Northern Ireland and Ireland on 1st January 2021 regardless of the outcome of trade negotiations between the UK and EU.

The plot isn’t mine to lose.


The Irish border is an issue because of the combination of the leave vote and the intransigence of the U.K. government. 

The EU have done nothing to cause this and blaming it on them is dishonest in the extreme. 


You leavers need to start owning the consequences of your actions.  Project fear is rapidly becoming project reality.

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21 minutes ago, West 77 said:

You've lost the plot. Erecting or building the infrastructure for a harder border will breach the Good Friday agreement. The UK Government have no intentions of making any changes to the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. The reality is there will still be an open border between Northern Ireland and Ireland on 1st January 2021 regardless of the outcome of trade negotiations between the UK and EU.

The thing you and Car Boot are studiously avoiding is what are the consequences of us not enforcing a border if we don't have an agreement by 2021? What we signed up to in the withdrawal agreement is trivial in comparison. Under WTO rules we have to treat everyone we trade with under WTO terms the same. That means if we don't enforce a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland we can't enforce a border between anywhere in the UK and anyone we trade with under WTO rules. Do you think those who voted leave to take back control of our borders did so so that we could dismantle them?


With Biden in the White House no longer blocking the WTO complaints procedures (as Trump has) you can bet a whole host of countries will have complaints ready prepared for submitting as soon into 2021 as they can.


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7 minutes ago, altus said:

The thing you and Car Boot are studiously avoiding is what are the consequences of us not enforcing a border if we don't have an agreement by 2021? (...)


Are you so sure that they understand the issue enough, to be avoiding it so studiously?


I'm not convinced.

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8 minutes ago, L00b said:

Are you so sure that they understand the issue enough, to be avoiding it so studiously?


I'm not convinced.

I think they've probably got their eyes closed, their fingers in their ears and are shouting "LA, LA, LA" in an attempt to avoid people trying to make them think about it.

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Just now, altus said:

I think they've probably got their eyes closed, their fingers in their ears and are shouting "LA, LA, LA" in an attempt to avoid people trying to make them think about it.

They are all round the back of the bike sheds polishing their excuses. “It was COVID 19 that wrecked everything.” “It’s a long term project, the benefits will takes a few years to come along.”


Etc. Etc.

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