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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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9 minutes ago, West 77 said:



It's really time that you Remainer fanatics accepted the UK have already left the EU and there is nothing you can do about it. 

It’s not my responsibility to do anything about it. That is squarely with you and your fellow leave fanatics.


It is time you owned the mess you’ve helped to create.

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50 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

As I’ve already said, there isn’t an answer to your barely formed question. 

I am interested in the idea that the sunlit uplands are a few years away. Yesterday, none of this was the fault of the Conservative Party. Today, it’s going to take ages to get BL II off the ground and kickstart the new British Empire.


It really is time that you Brexit fanatics started to own the mess you’ve created.

Its success all depends so much on how it's handled, and that is in the hands of the politicians.

Boris's optimism is cheering, but is it just Boris being Boris; all show and no substance.

My hopes aren't high....

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22 minutes ago, West 77 said:

What you don't comprehend is the benefits that existed 40 years ago for the UK being a member of the EEC / EU don't exist today. The UK is 5th largest Global economy and not Slovakia or any  other eastern European country.  I 'm not interested in helping to make eastern European countries stronger. I'm interested in putting Britain first.

I comprehend that perfectly fine, thanks: it was exactly my point! :rolleyes:

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5 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Excellent.  You have now acknowledged that the EU is no longer beneficial to the UK and it's countries such as Slovakia that the EU is there to support and make stronger. I knew we would get there in the end.

I have done no such thing, so you can grab that strawman and shove it.


Whole or diced, that is up to you.



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8 minutes ago, West 77 said:



You would be much happier if you accepted the democratic choice, supported the democratic choice and looked for the benefits from Brexit.



I’ve been asking about the benefits of Brexit for a couple of years. Here’s the list so far:


Blue passports.

Increased toilet capacity on the M 20.

Some vague notion of taking back control.

Maybe you could add some more. If you choose to, please cut out the usual waffle.


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9 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Okay so you're just going to continue sulking for the rest of your life because more of the electorate voted to leave the EU than voted to remain in the EU and the result is going to be fully implemented. 


You would be much happier if you accepted the democratic choice, supported the democratic choice and looked for the benefits from Brexit.



A No Deal Brexit is the last thing that this government and many of the more savvy leave voters want,

The Government has gone to the brink,but its’ biggest problem continues to be how to get over the last few hurdles without incurring the wrath of the the loony right.

These people are the problem and not Remainers who accept that Brexit is done.

To walk away from a deal would be to heap further economic disaster on top of that resulting from the pandemic.


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16 hours ago, L00b said:

But then, this Slovakia that they would choose today, is today's socio-economic equivalent of the UK 40 years ago - and that is exactly what the EU is all about: lifting all boats with the tide.


That is how and why the UK became a net contributor, likewise Germany, likewise France, likewise Ireland (in 2016, after 43 years)...eventually, so will Slovakia, and manufacturing will likely move yet again, as that country transitions to a knowledge-based economy like its forefathers did.


What you do not comprehend (or refuse to accept) is that the older/larger members should lift and help the new members to become as successful as them, instead of seeking to exploit them colony-like.


There's no place left for that worldview nowadays: if you're not a wagon collaborating with the others in the circle, well...good luck dealing with the indians outside on your own.

It's very revealing that your inspiration for EU membership is derived from European colonialism stealing Native American land in order to build empires. Or do you call it 'lifting them up'?


I'm on the side of the Native American and opposed to colonialism and EU empire building.

Edited by Car Boot
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32 minutes ago, West 77 said:The economic problems the global pandemic have already caused for the UK pales into insignificance the worse scenarios that the Remainer fanatics dream and pray will happen as a consequence of Brexit.





Some quite learned people don’t agree with you.

35 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The economic problems the global pandemic have already caused for the UK pales into insignificance the worse scenarios that the Remainer fanatics dream and pray will happen as a consequence of Brexit.

I have no idea why the quote was swallowed. So here it is again for clarity.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

The Government have always made it clear they want a trade agreement with the EU. It's because the Remainers are now impotent in Parliament the UK Government can negotiate properly by having the option to walk away if they believe the trade agreement on offer is a bad deal.  As Theresa May said many times no deal is better than a bad deal. The EU and the UK are 95% agreed on a trade deal and Canada have agreed to continue trading with the UK next year on the same basis they do now until a new trade deal is agreed between the UK and Canada. The likelihood is all the other nations outside of the EU will continue to trade with the UK on the current basis until new agreements are made.  There may be a few teething problems at the ports on both sides of the channel in early January which will quickly get sorted out.  At the moment there are delays in Felixstowe because of stockpiling and the global pandemic. The economic problems the global pandemic have already caused for the UK pales into insignificance the worse scenarios that the Remainer fanatics dream and pray will happen as a consequence of Brexit.

Why on earth should anyone of sound mind whether Remainer or not wish for such an outcome.

It is absolute fact that a No Deal would only compound the economic problems resulting  from the pandemic and failure to agree a deal would represent a triumph of obstinacy over pragmatism.

As I said before the obstacle to a deal lies with the likes of Farage,IDS,Fox,and the ERG,who have their own agenda,far removed from the welfare of our population.

Edited by RJRB
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21 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Oh dear, you've found a blog on the internet to try and prove I'm wrong.  

<Snip the rest of the usual ranty stuff...>

Well, not really. You did notice who wrote it, didn’t you? You did notice who published it didn’t you?


Its been published in plenty of other respectable places too. I wasn’t expecting you to even read it, I just wanted to ensure that your incorrect assertion was challenged.


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