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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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2 minutes ago, andyofborg said:

there is nothing wrong with either of them saying that, and it may have been related to the early release schemes. Most politicians say those sorts of things and put things like that in their manifestos. of course, they generally do nothing about it because once you start looking at it you find that it involves hard decisions and costs money. 


It probably was the early release schemes.  I agree with you about doing nothing because of the cost.




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3 hours ago, Pettytom said:

But you seem happy enough to repeat hearsay, presumably to influence others.

It’s not hearsay but a view from people who work in this field and have experience that I do not., As for influencing others I really have much more going for me in my life than to spend time trying to persuade people I have never met on an online forum around to some point of view you assume I hold😂

The problem with social media in general is that people are not willing to consider views other than those that suit their opinion and narrative.

Life is not black and white, spend more time looking at the grey and you might learn something.

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1 minute ago, Westie1889 said:

It’s not hearsay but a view from people who work in this field and have experience that I do not., As for influencing others I really have much more going for me in my life than to spend time trying to persuade people I have never met on an online forum around to some point of view you assume I hold😂

The problem with social media in general is that people are not willing to consider views other than those that suit their opinion and narrative.

Life is not black and white, spend more time looking at the grey and you might learn something.

You can’t report a series of supposed conversations, dismiss them as not being evidence, then claim them as the truth.


Well, not if you want to be taken seriously anyway.


I don’t believe in grey, by the way. I only believe in verifiable stuff.

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1 hour ago, Pettytom said:

You can’t report a series of supposed conversations, dismiss them as not being evidence, then claim them as the truth.


Well, not if you want to be taken seriously anyway.


I don’t believe in grey, by the way. I only believe in verifiable stuff.

What? You mean you don't believe some random person on the Internet, saying that their next door neighbours dog once heard somebody saying something in a foreign language, that was vaguely related to something, as gospel truth?


Mind blown! 😲


You'll be asking for proof that the world is round and that Bill Gates isn't injecting us with chips next... 😂🤣😂



Tongue in cheek by the way, I agree with you but experience has taught me that sometimes things don't always come across well in written format so just wanted to clarify  :)

Edited by whiteowl
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5 hours ago, andyofborg said:

There was nothing particularly stopping them doing that before Brexit.


There would need to be some sort of alternative for prisoners who become infirm to the point they are a danger to themselves, staff or other prisoners or in need of some sort of specialist or end of life care or who suffer from dementia which progresses to the point the person who committted the crime is no longer "there". 


Whether such prisoners are released, moved into the general care system or kept in some sort of non-prison but still secure establishment would need to be a decision of the parole board in conjunction with medics. 

not sure he's using his head to talk

As an ex-MEP I'm sure he wasn't - more likely a hole at the other end of his body. Which means of course that you get the expected reuslt.

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12 hours ago, Westie1889 said:

The death penalty will never be brought back and no politician would seriously ever consider it. 
I would like to see any evidence that backs up the ‘whispers in the Home Office’ claim but pretty sure it doesn’t exist apart from on some  conspiracy site.

I have several friends who are high ranking Police officers in CID and the like, one was also head of statistics for 3 Midlands forces around the time of the referendum.

They were all very pro-leave for crime and security reasons, interestingly they also said that much of the EU cooperation was a waste of time with only 3 or 4 countries actually bothered replying to requests for information as they were meant to. I think they said Germany, Holland plus a couple of others.

The Eastern European nations where they sent the most requests never got back to them, they took that as a sign that they were happy to have their un-desirables over here and didn’t want them back (understandably.)

I don’t have a view on it either way as I don’t know enough about it and don’t like to make a judgement unless I have the facts, but it was interesting they were so adamant we would be safer if we left.


Patel isn’t a serious politician though and if you’re not aware reactionary populism seems popular these days.

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8 hours ago, Pettytom said:

You can’t report a series of supposed conversations, dismiss them as not being evidence, then claim them as the truth.


Well, not if you want to be taken seriously anyway.


I don’t believe in grey, by the way. I only believe in verifiable stuff.

This is a forum where people give opinions or insights  based on a whole range of experiences or just plain opinions, some of these things won’t be ‘verifiable’ by posting a link - you can have an open mind or not that’s your choice.

In posting I didn’t dismiss the things I said as not being evidence, I said I didn’t know enough about the whole subject.

The friends I spoke to (one a Chief Constable) gave their view on information requests from EU police forces and the difficulties they encountered. There are many more facets to security cooperation hence the reason I then said I don’t know enough about it overall.

It was just one small insight into a much larger complex subject, take it or leave it as you wish.


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7 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

The thing is, @Westie1889, your opinion isn't in line with that of certain members of this forum, so by definition, you are wrong.:wink:

I know what you mean😂 To be totally honest I’m very on the fence with the whole Brexit/EU thing.

I just get tired of the polarized views from both sides who see it as the best thing ever or the worst, there seems no room for adult discussion.

Also this is meant to be a discussion forum, not somewhere that people try to prove they are right at all  costs!

If you can’t even consider information without a link what’s the point in having a discussion? you don’t need to believe it but at least consider it and go and do a bit of research yourself if you wish.

There are plenty of thoughtful posters on here who use their personal and work  experiences to share their knowledge, it’s one of the reasons I come on to learn and see different points of view.


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