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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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2 hours ago, Longcol said:

Weren't we promised a return to imperial measurments?




"The return of imperial measurements to Britain is under threat after ministers scaled back plans to abolish European Union rules by the end of the year.

Despite a pledge from Boris Johnson at the last election to restore the “ancient liberty” of using pounds and ounces, an official consultation has found that businesses and voters largely prefer the metric system.

Kemi Badenoch, the Business Secretary, this week announced that she would no longer be completing the “Brexit freedoms” process by the year-end.

Under a system designed by her predecessor, Jacob Rees-Mogg, civil servants were required to find all EU rules on the UK statute books by the end of 2023 and select which ones to retain.

All other measures would be automatically scrapped, according to the Retained EU Law Bill currently under scrutiny in the House of Lords.

But Ms Badenoch said “a new approach was needed” and she decided to cherry-pick the most “meaningful” laws to be revoked.

Her department has published a list of 600 Brussels regulations that will be cancelled at the end of this year.

Not included is the EU rule, passed in 2000, that says the metric system must take precedence in the UK when referring to the weight of products.

It states that while the use of imperial measures as a “supplementary indicator” is permitted, metric units “shall predominate” and must be given in the same or a larger font than imperial measurements.

Plans to reintroduce pounds and ounces have become a totemic issue for Brexiteers since European regulations forced the retirement of pound-bags of sugar and six-ounce jars of jam."


Naturally the Apple products are sized in millimetres.



When was it promised we would go back to imperial? 

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I bet the only people that would be happy to see the re-introduction of the imperial system would be the food suppliers.


They could use it as an excuse for shrinkflation:


Swapping 500 gram packs of meat for 1lb

1kg bag of sugar becomes 2lb

500ml bottles of drink become 17 fl oz


All while the price remains the same or creeps higher

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8 hours ago, hackey lad said:

When was it promised we would go back to imperial? 

It was never promised.  However, now the UK has left the EU the government will change the law.


But now that the U.K. is out of the E.U., the British government has promised that choosing to sell items in Imperial instead of metric measurements will soon be legal again. Yesterday, in an announcement "to capitalise on new Brexit freedoms," the government stated they planned to "scrutinise" thousands of E.U. regulations that had automatically remained on the books after Brexit.



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Its never been illegal, do they not fact check this? As long as both are displayed its fine.


I suspect that retailers will still choose to display both anyway even if they no longer have to, given its only the old fogies who harp on about pounds and ounces, and supply chains extend greater than one country.

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7 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Its never been illegal, do they not fact check this? As long as both are displayed its fine.


I suspect that retailers will still choose to display both anyway even if they no longer have to, given its only the old fogies who harp on about pounds and ounces, and supply chains extend greater than one country.

Yes it has.  Have you forgot about the Metric Martyrs?



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15 minutes ago, Axe said:

However, now the UK has left the EU the government will change the law.


Sure... and 3 years later... like taking control of our borders... quietly dropped...


...or Brexit causing so many other issues, it now stands no chance of ever getting the parliamentary time to get enacted. :?

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9 minutes ago, Axe said:

Yes it has.  Have you forgot about the Metric Martyrs?



Like I said, displaying both is fine and always has been. Those pillocks were attempting to display imperial only, as per Wiki page:




"The group believed that vendors should have the freedom to mark their goods with imperial weights and measurements alone"

Edited by HeHasRisen
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