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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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7 minutes ago, Axe said:

Stop posting nonsense. Trading globally is much easier than it was when the single market was first established.  The only country it is more difficult to trade with since Brexit is Russia.

Where are you getting your information from? Because these reports say different.




https://www.institute.global/insights/geopolitics-and-security/three-years-brexit-casts-long-shadow-over-uk-economy#:~:text=Britain's trade openness has fallen,to trade than before Brexit.







As my family and friends and I live here I would prefer your version of things to be correct but I'm struggling to get confirmation.





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7 hours ago, m williamson said:

Why? What's that got to do with anything? 

My point was that rejoining the Single Market would help British business and resolve the Northern Irish problem ( until the DUP come up with another one ) which would be a step toward improving the ridiculous situation we've managed to inflict on ourselves.

We were involved in the formation of the Single Market, the UK played a significant part. Even the most bigoted of xenophobes can't claim that its some terrible imposition by Johnny Foreigner.

Simply that if we had stayed solely common market members would that have been the same as the single market you desire.

5 hours ago, L00b said:

How much food on British tables and roofs over British  heads does the Eurovision song contest bring?


Trade, on the other hand…

Most things I see are made in the Far East.

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17 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Simply that if we had stayed solely common market members would that have been the same as the single market you desire.


Things change, we were involved in the formation of the Single Market, Margaret Thatcher our PM at the time was very much in favour of it.




Scroll down three pages and read the summary of the Gov.UK report below which begins ' The Single Market is vital to the UKs prosperity '.




I don't desire anything other than pragmatism and having the government - of whichever political persuasion it is - act in the best interests of the country overall.

I used to have this strange idea that that was what they were there for.

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50 minutes ago, Axe said:

Have a day off from contributing nonsense.  There are at least 33 new trades deals since Brexit covering over 100 countries.  We are also trading on the same terms before Brexit with countries we have not completed new trade deals with.   Our economy is doing better than most countries including Germany and France who are still in the EU.

Poor contribution again. Brexit is still costing us money.

Check your info again and we are not talking about other economies.  we are talking about the disastrous effect of Brexit on THIS country.

The economy is still worse than before the pandemic,  the country is broke with the largest debt since WW2,  the highest tax since then,   HS2 paused again, and silly Sunak's 5 pledges still not honoured.

That sounds as though everything's running pretty well for our Sewage Party     -     or does it ? 

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4 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Things change, we were involved in the formation of the Single Market, Margaret Thatcher our PM at the time was very much in favour of it.




Scroll down three pages and read the summary of the Gov.UK report below which begins ' The Single Market is vital to the UKs prosperity '.




I don't desire anything other than pragmatism and having the government - of whichever political persuasion it is - act in the best interests of the country overall.

I used to have this strange idea that that was what they were there for.

I am not trying to catch you out or argue the point but simply asking your opinion as you are well informed in these matters.

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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:


Most things I see are made in the Far East.

Some of us did explain, nearly 8 years ago now, and with added emphasis 6 years ago after Theresa May’s Lancaster speech, how Brexiting would affect-


(i) the UK’s services sector-led economy: no UK policy focus *whatsoever* pre-referendum, nor at any times since, *ever*, on services (cue banking, asset management, insurance, legal, etc services all gone from the U.K. to Ireland (Dublin mostly, hence Irish GDP effect in more recent times), the Continent (Paris, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Amsterdam) and the US (New York mostly))




(ii) supply lines used by UK ‘manufacturers’ (whose business model of offshoring all manufacturing to China and Vietnam, already old by then, would run afoul of the EU’s rules of origin)


in and amongst so many other fully-predictable economic consequences of hard Brexiting.


But well. Farage and Leave’s snake oil rubbish, “Project Fear”, “has enough of experts”, German car manufacturers, “they need us more than we need them”, “it’s about sovereignty not the economy” and all that mountain of other cretinous slogans peddled by the right wing media, found its audience alright.


You weren’t helped by your political leaders. Lest we forget-




You still haven’t been since, either.

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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I am not trying to catch you out or argue the point but simply asking your opinion as you are well informed in these matters.

Thanks for the compliment but I wouldn't go so far as to say I was well informed.  I tend to have a certain amount of scepticism when it comes to politicians of any party, ideology or country.

Despite that, whether we like it or not politics effects all our lives so I do take an interest in what's going on. 

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

  There are at least 33 new trades deals since Brexit covering over 100 countries.  

No there aren't.


There's a bunch of continuation deals, which continued the same trading arrangement we had when we were in the EU.  Genuine new deals are only a small handful. 

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4 hours ago, Axe said:

Stop posting nonsense. Trading globally is much easier than it was when the single market was first established. 

We're talking about since Brexit, which has not provided any major global opportunities above what we already enjoyed as EU members.


4 hours ago, Axe said:

The only country it is more difficult to trade with since Brexit is Russia.

It's more expensive and difficult to trade every EU member state! :loopy:


Regardless, the claim was that is was no easier as a result of Brexit, not harder! 🙄


Better luck next time! 🤣



3 hours ago, harvey19 said:

No just disappointed that you cherry pick parts of my post instead of appreciating the complete post.

...and yet more evasion, to avoid any objective thought with regard any issue raised... as usual. 🙄

Edited by Magilla
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