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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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22 hours ago, ads36 said:

Record Levels of sewage in The Rivers


those unicorns keep piling up don't they?

Not only a British issue though... from Oirechtas. ie. 

The latest report of the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, has shown that many towns and villages simply do not have adequate water and wastewater treatment services. The report is also highly critical of Irish Water's delivery of new treatment plants. It highlights that 19 large towns and cities did not treat wastewater to a European standard in 2019, and notes that 35 areas continued to discharge raw sewage, including Omeath in my county of Louth. It goes on to state that 48 areas were under significant threat to inland and coastal water pollution as a result of wastewater discharge. Of these 48 areas, a number of areas in County Louth were identified, including Dundalk, Blackrock, Castlebellingham, Dunleer and Tallanstown. The report also notes 13 areas where wastewater discharge must immediately be improved to protect endangered freshwater pearl mussels and again two areas in County Louth were identified, Carlingford and Omeath.

The report gives a grim overview of both Irish Water and the delivery of treatment plants. It is clear that action is needed, which is why we in the Regional Group call on the Government to take action immediately. The motion calls on the Government to recognise that many towns and villages do not have water and wastewater treatment services. We need people living in communities in order to develop growth centres. 

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32 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You are not capable of judging the difference between night and day, your grasp of logic being so tenuous. The English are a Germanic race, the Irish are a Celtic race. It wasn't possible for my father to father an Irishman nor for my mother to give birth to an Englishman.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Anglo-Irish#:~:text=1,mixed English and Irish ancestry Number 2 applies to me.


I judged your allegiance to be with Ireland.   Lets apply the Norman Tebbit test.  When England are playing Ireland at Rugby Union which country do you support?



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45 minutes ago, Axe said:

I judged your allegiance to be with Ireland.   Lets apply the Norman Tebbit test.  When England are playing Ireland at Rugby Union which country do you support?



Neither, don't like the game and don't ever watch it. And Norman Tebbit is not someone I would take any notice of having no respect whatsoever for the piece of excrement.

When I was younger had this country been in danger of invasion by foreign forces I would have done what my father and uncle did before me.  join up and fight for it. Hopefully I wouldn't have had to die for it as one of my cousins did.

That is the true test, not some crap dreamt up by a homophobic racist.  


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45 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Neither, don't like the game and don't ever watch it. And Norman Tebbit is not someone I would take any notice of having no respect whatsoever for the piece of excrement.

When I was younger had this country been in danger of invasion by foreign forces I would have done what my father and uncle did before me.  join up and fight for it. Hopefully I wouldn't have had to die for it as one of my cousins did.

That is the true test, not some crap dreamt up by a homophobic racist.  


Norman Tebbit was a great honest politician.  The IRA terrorist bombing in Brighton left Margaret Tebbit paralysed and in a wheelchair until she died in 2020.


If I was an Irish man I would be bigging up your Rugby achievements.  Rugby, Terrorism and Caving into the EU are what the Irish do best.



Asking the Irish to vote again on the Lisbon treaty is arrogant, insulting and undemocratic




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30 minutes ago, Axe said:

Norman Tebbit was a great honest politician.  The IRA terrorist bombing in Brighton left Margaret Tebbit paralysed and in a wheelchair until she died in 2020.


If I was an Irish man I would be bigging up your Rugby achievements.  Rugby, Terrorism and Caving into the EU are what the Irish do best.



Asking the Irish to vote again on the Lisbon treaty is arrogant, insulting and undemocratic




The author of that article of course was Brendan O'Neill from Spiked; a magazine with obscure American funding, and a re-incarnation of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

The second vote was on a later version of the Lisbon treaty, with various alterations added as a result of the original Irish result, and after listening to input from other countries.
The later version and vote was overwhelmingly carried in Ireland held on 2 October 2009, and the proposal was approved by 67.1% to 32.9%, with a turnout of 59%  Wiki
It looks to me like a true democracy at play here.


The Treaty of Lisbon after the Second Irish Referendum  HoC Library

In a referendum on 2 October 2009 the Republic of Ireland voted by 67.1% to 32.9% in favour of ratifying the Treaty of Lisbon, having voted against its ratification in June 2008.

Politically, the second vote was predicated on concessions agreed by the European Council in December 2008 and confirmed in June 2009 as “guarantees” to be formalised in a protocol attached to the next accession treaty.

The positive Irish vote was welcomed by the EU institutions and other Member States, but Poland and the Czech Republic still have not completed ratification.

This paper looks at the background to the referendum and other ratification developments.

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1 hour ago, peak4 said:

The author of that article of course was Brendan O'Neill from Spiked; a magazine with obscure American funding, and a re-incarnation of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

The second vote was on a later version of the Lisbon treaty, with various alterations added as a result of the original Irish result, and after listening to input from other countries.
The later version and vote was overwhelmingly carried in Ireland held on 2 October 2009, and the proposal was approved by 67.1% to 32.9%, with a turnout of 59%  Wiki
It looks to me like a true democracy at play here.


The Treaty of Lisbon after the Second Irish Referendum  HoC Library

In a referendum on 2 October 2009 the Republic of Ireland voted by 67.1% to 32.9% in favour of ratifying the Treaty of Lisbon, having voted against its ratification in June 2008.

Politically, the second vote was predicated on concessions agreed by the European Council in December 2008 and confirmed in June 2009 as “guarantees” to be formalised in a protocol attached to the next accession treaty.

The positive Irish vote was welcomed by the EU institutions and other Member States, but Poland and the Czech Republic still have not completed ratification.

This paper looks at the background to the referendum and other ratification developments.


The UK is the only nation that has not given in to the way the undemocratic EU behaves.  Before a referendum vote the EU insists the electorate in the country holding the vote have to either accept or reject the issue being voted on.  But surprise surprise  when the electorate votes to reject the issue the EU come up with plans to by pass the original democratic decision and instructs the relevant country to vote again.  The EU has a history of undermining the electorate in member countries that have held referendums.

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

Norman Tebbit was a great honest politician.  The IRA terrorist bombing in Brighton left Margaret Tebbit paralysed and in a wheelchair until she died in 2020.


If I was an Irish man I would be bigging up your Rugby achievements.  Rugby, Terrorism and Caving into the EU are what the Irish do best.



Asking the Irish to vote again on the Lisbon treaty is arrogant, insulting and undemocratic




I have to say that you're consistent when it comes to ,making yourself look foolish..


If I was an Irishman.................    It has been explained to you that I'm not an Irishman, I had an English father, making that impossible, obviously your comprehension skills are lacking to a remarkable degree.


As for terrorism what happened to Tebbit's wife was horrendous, so were many other things that happened during the Troubles including British security forces collusion in the murder of the solicitor Pat Finucane in front of his wife and children.




Your comment on the Lisbon Treaty is typical of the ignorance of Brexiteers as to how the EU works and how democracy works.

peak4 answered your ill-informed comment and explained quite clearly that the second vote was on a treaty that had been amended to address the concerns of the Irish electorate. In other words it wasn't the same Treaty!!

Once again you failed to comprehend straight forward information. The electorate in the UK weren't given the opportunity to vote on the Lisbon Treaty because unlike a true democracy Parliament is sovereign in the UK instead of the people as happens in a real democracy.



It is people like you with your lack of knowledge as to how things actually work and your gullible belief in what the British Red Top gutter press feed you that have damaged this country and reduced the prospects of our children, you should be ashamed and embarrassed.






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1 hour ago, Axe said:


The UK is the only nation that has not given in to the way the undemocratic EU behaves.  Before a referendum vote the EU insists the electorate in the country holding the vote have to either accept or reject the issue being voted on.  But surprise surprise  when the electorate votes to reject the issue the EU come up with plans to by pass the original democratic decision and instructs the relevant country to vote again.  The EU has a history of undermining the electorate in member countries that have held referendums.

In our parliament, when the government submits legislation and it is rejected, it resubmits an amended version, hopefully, to address the concerns of those who voted against it the first time.


The only thing different about that and the Irish Lisbon Treaty vote is that only MPs get to vote rather than the population as a whole.

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