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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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It is inevitable that big business will seek to punish UK voters for exercising their democratic right to seek to disentangle their nation from the squid like economic tentacles of the EU.


For the EU, with its four freedoms for business, is primarily a device to maximise profit for the few, at the expense of the many. This means the EU's main purpose is to protect the interests of business over the interests of people.


Big business is well aware that the Brexit vote was in fact a vote against multi-national business and capitalism. 


They hate that we voted to minimise their profits and will seek revenge.

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3 hours ago, West 77 said:

I believe the majority of people in Sunderland voted to leave the EU which included many people who worked at the Nissan factory and in other businesses that benefit from the Nissan factory being located in Sunderland.  The people who live and work in Sunderland heard all the debates before the EU referendum vote and weighed up all the pros and cons of remaining in the corrupt EU and voted accordingly for their own reasons. Not all voters decide their decisions for selfish reasons.

I very much doubt it.


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11 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

It is inevitable that big business will seek to punish UK voters for exercising their democratic right to seek to disentangle their nation from the squid like economic tentacles of the EU.

Nonsense! No business cuts off its nose to spite its face...


...Nissan, or any business like Sony, Panasonic leaving the UK is entirely a result of the economic impact of Brexit, there is no "revenge".


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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

It is inevitable that big business will seek to punish UK voters for exercising their democratic right to seek to disentangle their nation from the squid like economic tentacles of the EU.


For the EU, with its four freedoms for business, is primarily a device to maximise profit for the few, at the expense of the many. This means the EU's main purpose is to protect the interests of business over the interests of people.


Big business is well aware that the Brexit vote was in fact a vote against multi-national business and capitalism. 


They hate that we voted to minimise their profits and will seek revenge.

That sounds like a conspiracy theory worthy to be alongside 'QAnon' cack, or 'microchips in vaccine' nonsense.


Speaking of COVID 19,  Gammon hard man Steve Baker MP has been roundly mocked online for citing EHCR to back up his anti lockdown argument:



In 2016 Mr Baker vote to repeal the HRA. Speaking on  BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday,  he suggested that the Government could use “implied coercion” to get people to participate in mass testing.

He said: "This is a major infringement on a right to a family life.

“I'm looking at the European Convention on Human Rights as I speak to you."

Brexiteer ridiculed for ‘stunning hypocrisy’ after moaning that lockdown goes against ‘European human rights’ laws | Indy100


Edited by Mister M
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2 hours ago, retep said:

I'm sure the French farmers will be grateful for your commiserations.

With your government's plans to wave customs checks and tariffs on imports, I'm not sure why EU27 farmers need any commiserations.


British farmers, on the other hand...

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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

The June 2016 EU referendum was the biggest anti-capitalist vote in UK history, if not the West.


No wonder those who voted Leave were subjected to such hatred and abuse by the capitalist establishment and it's supporters.

Adequate food.


There will be adequate food.


I was in Czechoslovakia in the early 80s. They were anti-capitalist and had “adequate food”.  

Edited by Pettytom
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