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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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18 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Is there a more obvious reason why growth in life expectancy should be stalling,  ‘lifestyle issues’ for example?



The DWP is busy shredding the records of those benefits claimants, who committed suicide after being harshly sanctioned.


Sure, it's a statistical blip in the ocean of data explaining why life expectancy is shrinking in the UK, but that data deletion takes place in a wider context of systematic and widespread data suppression and misrepresentation by Johnson, Patel, Cummings and co.


So don't expect solid datasets to be available across the next 5 years of Conservative governance to help explain these, and any other, adverse consequences of Tory government policies, least of all those of Brexit (which, I see, Johnson is currently busy steering back towards no deal by December, a course seemingly missed -or deliberately ignored, same difference- by all and sundry in the UK MSM).


Brits who voted for leaving the EU knowing what they wanted, will get the same Brexit they're given by Johnson & pals, as all the other Brits. You'll all be told to blame the imperialist and intransigeant EU for your misery, and after Johnson & pals are done bedding in that narrative in the collective conscience over the next 10 months, a majority of you will inevitably do so, just like they did in 2016, 2017, 2019...

Edited by L00b
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4 hours ago, L00b said:

The DWP is busy shredding the records of those benefits claimants, who committed suicide after being harshly sanctioned.


Sure, it's a statistical blip in the ocean of data explaining why life expectancy is shrinking in the UK, but that data deletion takes place in a wider context of systematic and widespread data suppression and misrepresentation by Johnson, Patel, Cummings and co.


So don't expect solid datasets to be available across the next 5 years of Conservative governance to help explain these, and any other, adverse consequences of Tory government policies, least of all those of Brexit (which, I see, Johnson is currently busy steering back towards no deal by December, a course seemingly missed -or deliberately ignored, same difference- by all and sundry in the UK MSM).


Brits who voted for leaving the EU knowing what they wanted, will get the same Brexit they're given by Johnson & pals, as all the other Brits. You'll all be told to blame the imperialist and intransigeant EU for your misery, and after Johnson & pals are done bedding in that narrative in the collective conscience over the next 10 months, a majority of you will inevitably do so, just like they did in 2016, 2017, 2019...

There is no wonder that you fled the UK shortly after the Brexit vote as you seem to have a very low opinion of the British people.

Your sweeping generalisation that all and sundry are taken in by the machinations of Johnson and Cummings is laughable.

Thanks for stating the exceedingly obvious in your final paragraph but rest assured that there are many who recognise which way the wind is blowing.

We are in a phoney year of negotiations ,and thereafter the grim reality of job losses,lack of inward investment and a host of other detrimental aspects of Brexit will become apparent.

We will have to endure this regrettably.

Brexit was only ever a project of those who consider themselves to be the ruling class by right,but their mobilisation of others on the back of the immigration “crisis “ got them over the line.

Johnson will have his coupleof years of glory before his popularity wanes,and I doubt that Cummings will be on the scene for that long.

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Lies damned lies and brexit!


Yet again, having conned the UK into giving them a majority, the government goes agqainst what it promised the electorate.


They are throwing all their promises, all the talk of agreement with the EU, alignment through NI and the borders into the bin.


They are making demands of the EU that the EU cannot agree to, and should not, because that wasn't what was agreed... having said that we are led by a liar, cheat, sexist racist bufoon who cares nothing for the country, only for himself, so why am I surprised?

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My work is immune from Brexit and I am effectively guaranteed employment for the next 20+ years till retirement. So I have very little sympathy for the people who will soon start suffering. I voted to remain in the EU. I tried, I really did. But if people want to lose their jobs and go to food banks then let them. 


I'll just grab my popcorn.  

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16 minutes ago, Albert the Cat said:

My work is immune from Brexit and I am effectively guaranteed employment for the next 20+ years till retirement. So I have very little sympathy for the people who will soon start suffering. I voted to remain in the EU. I tried, I really did. But if people want to lose their jobs and go to food banks then let them. 


I'll just grab my popcorn.  

I disagree Albert, I’m always going to stick up for folk that have been conned. It’s the conmen like Farage that need to suffer.

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3 hours ago, Litotes said:

Lies damned lies and brexit!


Yet again, having conned the UK into giving them a majority, the government goes agqainst what it promised the electorate.


They are throwing all their promises, all the talk of agreement with the EU, alignment through NI and the borders into the bin.


They are making demands of the EU that the EU cannot agree to, and should not, because that wasn't what was agreed... having said that we are led by a liar, cheat, sexist racist bufoon who cares nothing for the country, only for himself, so why am I surprised?

Yup, what ive seen and read is thus...


1: The EU have drafted their starting proposals.

2: The UK hasnt.

3: Boris has been whining and whinging that the EU are being unfair. 

4: Boris is threatening to tear up his withdrawl document if he doesnt get his way.

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No mention of the GFA in the document - only of Peace Plus -another naffcronym from the Cons


No mention of the agreed alignment between Eire and NI despite this being contradictory to the border agreement - just more lies from our lying, cheating sexist racist bully of a leader.


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52 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Yup, what ive seen and read is thus...


1: The EU have drafted their starting proposals.

2: The UK hasnt.

3: Boris has been whining and whinging that the EU are being unfair. 

4: Boris is threatening to tear up his withdrawl document if he doesnt get his way.

No 2. So what was published today? 

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